Company Database Guatemala

Scale boldly into new markets with our GDPR proof Company Database Guatemala

Start making data-driven decision with accurate Guatemalan business data. Buy a custom-made Guatemalan company database with 149,830 top quality addresses, delivered in a Excel sheet within 24 hours or even faster. Our Guatemalan business data is sourced locally from GDPR proof sources in Guatemala. The minimum order amount is € 425,-, for this price you can buy 1,000 B2B addresses. We work with flexible pricing. The more addresses you buy, the less you pay. Simply tell us which data you need from the overview below and request a free quote via the contact form.


Guatemala’s Top 50 Companies

  • Banco del Cafe  S.A.    Guatemala
  • Almacenes Siman  S.A.    Guatemala
  • Cooperativa Agricola Integral Union  Cuatro Pinos RL    Santiago Sacatepequez
  • Municipalidad De San Juan Cotzal    San Juan Cotzal
  • Gobernacion Departamental De Jutiapa    Jutiapa
  • Gobernacion Departamental San Marcos    San Marcos
  • Compania Distribuidora  S.A.    Mixco
  • Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito Integral San Miguel Chuimequena RL    Totonicapán
  • Agroservicios Valle Verde  S. A.    San Marcos
  • Fabrica La Elegante S A    Guatemala
  • Oxson Sociedad Anonima    Petapa
  • Consejo Educativo De La Escuela Oficial De Parvulos Anexa A Eorm Caserio Pino Go    Jalapa
  • Consejo Educativo Del Instituto Nacional De Educacion Basica De Telesecundaria A    Jalapa
  • Consejo Educativo Eorm  Jm Paraje Xemam    Totonicapán
  • Consejo De Padres De Familia De La Escuela Oficial Rural Mixta Del Caserio Jolim    San Pedro Necta
  • Consejo De Padres De Familia De La Eoum Regional    Cuilco
  • Consejo Comunitario De Desarrollo Cocode    Guatemala
  • Consejo Educativo De La Escuela Oficial De Parvulos Anexa A Eorm Caserio San Fra    Jalapa
  • Consejo Educativo Eorm Jv Paraje Sacolojabaj    San Cristobal Totonicapan
  • Consejo De Padres De Familia De Escuela Oficial Rural Mixta Canton La Cumbre    Chuarrancho
  • International Crushing  Sociedad Anonima    Guatemala
  • Consejo De Padres De Familia De La Escuela Oficial Rural Mixta Canton Chicabraca    Santa Cruz del Quiché
  • Consejo De Padres De Familia E.O.R.M. Andres Quintana Roo    La Libertad
  • Asoc. De Desarrollo Integral Y Construccion De Pozos Mecanicos Comunidad Indigen    Jalapa
  • Consejo De Padres De Familia De La Escuela Oficial Urbana Mixta El Asintal    El Asintal
  • Consejo Educativo De La Escuela Oficial De Parvulos Anexa A La Escuela Oficial R    Monjas
  • Consejo Educativo Del Instituto Nacional De Educaciòn Basica De Telesecundaria    La Libertad
  • Consejo Educativo De El Centro Oficial De Preprimaria Bilingüe Anexo A Eorm Cant    Chichicastenango
  • Junta Escolar De La Escuela Municipal Urbana Mixta Jose Luis Guillen    La Democracia
  • Consejo Educativo Escuela Oficial Rural Mixta Canton Poniente    Chuarrancho
  • Consejo De Padres De Familia Del Copb  Anexo A Eorm  Aldea Sechul.    San Rafael Petzal
  • Junta Escolar E.O.R.M. Caserio Laguna Del Pito Aldea Sashico    Jalapa
  • Consejo Educativo Centro Oficial De Preprimaria Bilingue Anexo A E.O.R.M. Aldea    Nenton
  • Consejo Comunitario De Desarrollo Del Barrio Llano Grande    Jalapa
  • Consejo Educativo De La Escuela Oficial De Parvulos Anexa A Eorm Caserio La Past    San Pedro Pinula
  • Consejo De Padres De Familia Eorm Comunidad Santo Domingo    Playa Grande
  • Consejo Comunitario De Desarrollo Cocode De Caserio Ixmoco    Comitancillo
  • Consejo De Padres De Familia De La E.O.R.M. Pampas Las Flores    Nueva Concepcion
  • Inluria Sociedad Anonima    Guatemala
  • Consejo De Padres De Familia De La Eorm  Caserio Monte Calvario  Aldea Paquix  D    Chiantla
  • Consejo De Padres De Familia De La Escuela Oficial Rural Mixta Caserio Chiguoyo    El Estor
  • Consejo Educativo Escuela Oficial De Parvulos Anexa Eorm Aldea Nuevo Nacimiento    Livingston
  • Consejo Comunitario De Desarrollo Aldea El Limarcito La Cumbre    San Pedro Pinula
  • Consejo De Padres De Familia De La Escuela Oficial Rural Mixta Aldea Chujuyub    Santa Cruz del Quiché
  • Consejo De Padres De Familia De La Escuela Oficial Rural Mixta La Leyenda    San Pedro Ayampuc
  • Consejo Educativo De La Escuela Oficial Rural Mixta Cas. La Rinconada  Ald. Vale    Nenton
  • Lumel S.A.    Guatemala
  • Consejo Educativo De Escuela Oficial De Parvulos Anexa A E.O.R.M. J. M. Colonia    Escuintla
  • Consejo De Padres De Familia Del Centro Oficial De Preprimaria Bilingüe Anexo A    Aguacatan
  • Consejo Educativo Eodp  J.M. Aldea Nimasac    Totonicapán

Company database Guatemala

Company name and address149830
Phone number84331
Mobile phone number26358
Email address (generic)210
Email address (direct)2297
Registration number143542
Geo Coordinate89567
Name of CEO124259
Fax number22905
Company structure3408

Buy Company Database Guatemala in Excel

No matter which industry you are in or what product you are offering, we deliver a customized Guatemalan company database for your campaign. Our Data Experts can select your ideal target group in 200+ countries based on a large number of criteria: from a specific region and turnover to industry type, number of employees and financial information. Just tell us what data you need and request a quote by filling in the contact form. See before you buy? Take a look at the preview below of ask for a custom-made sample here.

Preview Business data Guatemala
  • Molinos Modernos S.A. Guatemala
  • Productos Agricolas de Oriente S.A. Guatemala
  • Contecnica, S.A. Guatemala
  • Central Generadora Electrica San Jose Limitada Guatemala
  • Alimentos Maravilla, S.A. Guatemala
  • Industria La Popular S.A. Guatemala
  • Transactel, S.A. Guatemala
  • Fabrica de Productos Alimenticios Rene y Cia S.C.A. Guatemala
  • Productos del Aire de Guatemala S.A. Guatemala
  • Distribuidora Electronica S.A. Guatemala
  • Comunicaciones Celulares S.A. Guatemala
  • Arabela Guatemala S.A. Guatemala
  • Puma Energy Guatemala S.A. Guatemala
  • Tecnica Universal, S.A. Guatemala
  • Telecomunicaciones de Guatemala S.A. Guatemala
  • Productive Business Solutions (Guatemala) S.A. Guatemala
  • Industrias Alimenticias Kern’s y Cia., S.C.A. Guatemala
  • Canella S.A. Guatemala
  • Assa Compania de Seguros SA Guatemala
  • Division DMC Guatemala SA Guatemala
  • Compania Agro Comercial SA Guatemala
  • Polimeros y Tecnologia S.A. Villa Nueva
  • Compania Farmaceutica Lanquetin S.A. Guatemala
  • Montana Exploradora de Guatemala S.A. Guatemala
  • Industrias de Exportacion Universal, S. A. Guatemala
  • Almacenes Siman, S.A. Guatemala
  • Lehnder S.A. Guatemala
  • Direccion General de Aeronautica Civil Guatemala
  • Tubex Sociedad Anonima Petapa
  • Motores Hino de Guatemala S.A. Guatemala
  • Ministerio de Comunicaciones, Infraestructura y Vivienda Guatemala
  • Municipalidad de Palencia Guatemala
  • Congreso de la Republica de Guatemala Guatemala
  • Ministerio de Trabajo y Prevision Social Guatemala
  • Secretaria de Planificacion y Programacion de La Presidencia Guatemala
  • Municipalidad de Villa Nueva Villa Nueva
  • SAT Gerencia Regional Central Guatemala
  • Ministerio de Agricultura Ganaderia y Alimentacion Guatemala
  • Comercial Distribuidora Mayen, S.A. Guatemala
  • Tacuba S.A. Guatemala
  • Plasticos Albores S.A. Guatemala
  • Negocios Y Exportaciones Chanin, Sociedad Anonima Mixco
  • Unisuper S.A. Guatemala
  • Operadora de Tiendas S.A. Guatemala
  • Distribuidora Irazu, S.A. Guatemala
  • Ingenio Magdalena Sociedad Anonima Guatemala
  • Gerencia y Sistemas, S.A. Guatemala
  • Instituto Nacional de Electrificacion Guatemala
  • Distribuidora de Electricidad de Occidente, S.A. Guatemala
  • Olmeca S.A. Fraijanes

The State of the Guatemalans Economy: Number of Companies by Industry

Guatemala has a diverse economy with over 2 million companies operating in 1,500 industries. The Business services industry is the largest, with 25,501 companies, followed by Schools and educational services and Real estate. These three industries alone account for over 38% of all companies in Guatemala. We can help you find the right data for your business needs in any industry in Guatemala. Contact us today to learn more.


Frequently asked questions about our Guatemalan Company data

Buy a database that’s both accurate and with better prices! Our continuously checked Company Databases are available from a minimum price of € 425,-. For this price you can buy 1.000 highly up-to-date datasets. Buy more, get more discount! Check our prices here. Click on “Worldwide B2B Data” for the price breakdown of our custom-made company databases worldwide.

Do you want to buy the complete Worldwide database with all 300 million companies? We can help with a data-license or with our special bulk pricing. Click on “Worldwide Bulk Database” for the price breakdown of our bulk consumer- and company databases.

Tell us your target country and criteria and we send you a free quote. Call +31(0)20 705 2360 or send an e-mail to

Do you want to place your order? Simply confirm your selection by replying to the e-mail. BoldData delivers the database (in Excel) within 24 hours by e-mail.


We deliver custom made worldwide databases in Excel. Get started in just three simple steps:

  1. Tell us who you want to target

Our data experts take the time to understand your business, target group and campaign. Based on these insights we create a highly targeted business database based on more than 1500 criteria. From country and number of employees to industry type and job title. Do you simply need the total worldwide database? No problem, we have bulk prices and licenses.

  1.  Receive a free count and quote

You receive a free quote and a detailed count of your business database within 24 hours. On request we can provide a free sample with a selection of 10 contacts. Based on your feedback we polish the business database to perfection.

  1. Delivery within 24 hours

Satisfied? Then we deliver the custom business database in Excel within 24 hours. A consumer database takes 3-5 working days to deliver. After receiving your database you can start targeting your prospects with extreme precision.

After you’ve placed the order at one of our data-experts, you can choose one of the below online payment methods:

  • PayPal
  • Creditcard
  • SOFORT Banking
  • Bancontact
  • eps
  • Giropay
  • Przelewy24
  • KBC/CBC-Betaalknop
  • Belfius Pay Button
  • ING Home’Pay
  • iDEAL

We’re a worldwide data company with data experts in 100+ countries. That’s we’re always adding new (local) payment methods. So feel free to ask your preferred way of making payments. We also accept regular banktransfers to IBAN: NL82INGB0006175892 and BIC INGBNL2A.

The overview displays just a part of the possibilities. However, we offer you access to quality data of more than 1.700 different target groups in 200+ countries. It’s very likely that we can deliver a database that targets the best prospects for your product or service. Contact us via +31(0)20 705 2360 or send an e-mail to to discover the possibilities. We are here to help.

BoldData only works with sources that are updated continously. All decision makers are called every year to check their details. Moreover the databases are updated with information from chamber of commerces, trade organisations, financial statements, internet, trade magazines and industry event show databases. In short: the quality and accuracy are outstanding.

However, a database can never be 100% up-to-date. For example, a contact that has been checked last week can have a new job the next week. Therefore you need to take a small error rate into account.

Other questions?

Other Questions? Our data experts are specialized in supervising international campaigns. We have specific direct marketing knowledge per country and work closely together with local data experts all over the world. Contact us for free tailor-made advice and an independent quote. Please call +31(0)20 705 2360 or send an e-mail to

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+31(0)20 705 2360