Local Data in 200+ countries

The Worlds Trusted Data Provider

Give your business an edge with BoldData: high-quality B2B data for SaaS, AI, and top companies. Access 350 million companies and 500 million contacts with real-time local data from over 200 countries.

  • Worldwide reach, unbeatable local data
  • Privacy compliant: data you can trust
  • Delivery in 24h in Excel or API
  • 4,000+ customers rate us 9,2 out of 10
  • Global market leader in custom data
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Our ever-growing database welcomes 634,734 contacts each month. Delivered in bulk or API.






Email addresses



Need company data at scale?

Make data-driven decisions

High quality data is the foundation of your app, technology or CRM system. Our verified, accurate and trusted database combines worldwide reach, with unbeatable local expertise. Whether you want to find new clients, build applications or verify identity. We build a custom dataset that the world needs.


Our company data is foundational to 3,000+ companies. Our data solves all challenges.

  • CRM & Business Intelligence

    351 million companies
  • Business Development

    48 million e-mail addresses
  • Verification

    1 billion+ addresses and businesses
  • Historical Financial Data

    5 years of historical data

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