Business Data

Start your data-driven project with BoldData's highly accurate Business Data, featuring 347,886,144 businesses across 200+ countries. Delivered in bulk, via API, or custom-made to your needs in Excel format within 24 hours.

Verified Business Data from 200 Countries

Our business database spans 1,500 industries and covers 200 countries, providing access to verified, up-to-date data from trusted official sources like chambers of commerce and trade registries. The largest markets include China, the USA, and Europe. Whether you’re targeting local industries or international markets, you can rely on our data’s accuracy. Contact us today to buy bulk business data or access data via our platform.

347,886,144 Businesses Worldwide

Business Data Africa4371144
Business Data Asia-Pasific113157162
Business Data Central America1935018
Business Data Central Asia2356534
Business Data Central/Eastern Europe22186099
Business Data Middle East3258583
Business Data North America68111109
Business Data Oceania10517356
Business Data South America30499597
Business Data Western Europe54009175
Total Business Data Worldwide310401777

Expand Your Reach with BoldData's Global Data Platform

The BoldData platform offers direct access to in-depth business data, including financials, contact details, and hierarchy structures. All data is sourced from reliable local entities like chambers of commerces around the world, ensuring both accuracy and relevance.

With 30+ advanced filters, you can effortlessly find the perfect leads, conduct targeted market research, or enhance your CRM with comprehensive, up-to-date information. You can also download lists in Excel for easy use—all from a single, powerful platform. Whether you’re targeting companies locally or expanding globally, the BoldData platform is your complete solution to find, connect, and convert your ideal prospects.

Ready to take your data strategy to the next level? Call +31 20 705 2360 or email to schedule your personalized demo and see how BoldData can transform your business.

Get Massive Bulk Business Data

When we say massive, we mean every company on the planet. Detailed through 200+ data points, our Bulk Data solution covers everything from company name and address to contact details and ownership structure. Delivered in easy-to-use CSV files, our bulk databases provide the comprehensive data you need for large-scale projects—whether it’s for CRM, AI training data, building applications or in-depth research.



Tell us who you want to target

Share your requirements and intended use case. Our team will work with you to understand your goals, from country selection to industry type, ensuring the data fits your needs perfectly.


Receive a Quote and Sample

We provide a free quote and a sample with up to 1,000 records to give you a preview of the data quality and scope.


Business data delivered in 24 hours

Get your data delivered in CSV format automatically pushed to your systems, ready for your CRM, AI models, or data analytics projects—quick and efficient.

Business Data you can trust

We provide only the highest quality direct marketing business database and keep it in top shape. Our ever-growing business database is continually verified and updated for accuracy. And fully compliant with data protection laws. It’s a misconception that data can’t be used in Europe because of the GDPR effective from may 2018. This law says, business databases with personal data composed before the GDPR, can still be used and traded. Of course you have to comply with the law concerning the use of this data which our legal experts are happy to advice about. In short: we deliver business data you can trust. As an international data specialist BoldData ensures that your (international) campaign always complies with the latest laws.

To ensure compliancy BoldData is being audited on a yearly basis by the Data Driven Marketing Organisation. We think it is important that our customers know that we use data from third parties with care. To reinforce that power, BoldData has been awarded the privacy guarantee seal of the DDMA. We take privacy uttermost seriously and only work with business databases you can trust.



What you can expect from our company database?

  • Global coverage, unbeatable local business data
  • Business database for any purpose
  • Privacy compliant: business data you can trust
  • Delivery within 24 hours
  • Delivered in a custom Excel sheet or in bulk
  • Our customers rate us 9.3 out of 10
Request sample 10 free records
+31(0)20 705 2360