Company Registry data

With worldwide reach and unparalleled Official data, our Company Registry is designed for companies that demand large volumes of data.

Company Registry data with 340 Million Businesses

Our Company Registry Database is an accurate registry of information concerning registered entities, predominantly sourced by governmental agencies such as Chamber of Commerces. This dataset contains critical details like the entity’s official name, its unique registration identifier, locational information, key personnel including directors and shareholders, alongside corporate ownership. Receive your data in a customized Excel sheet, bulk dataset, or through our API. Request a quote effortlessly via the contact form.

341,717,076 Registered Companies Worldwide

National Identification Numbers
USA Chamber of Commere
France National Statistics Office
Europe Standard VAT Number
Netherlands Trade Register (KvK)
Germany Registration Office
Italy Chamber of Commerce
Taiwan Business Registration Number
Spain Fiscal Code
Belgium Enterprise Number
UK Companies House
Brazil National Registry of Legal Entities
Belgium Enterprise Number
Belgium Branch Unit Number
UK CRO Number
Ireland CRO Number
France Siren Number
France Chamber of Commerce Number
Monte Carlo Siren Number
France Siret Number
Europe Standard VAT Number
Netherlands Trade Register Number
Germany Registration Number
Italy Chamber of Commerce Number
Taiwan Business Registration Number
Spain Fiscal Code
Andorra Fiscal Code
Portugal Fiscal Code
CUSIP Number
Australia Company Number
Singapore Registration File Number
Hong Kong Co Registry Company Id Number
Cins Number
Panamanian Sole Commercial Registry Number
Portugal Chamber of Commerce Number
Mexico Iva
Netherlands Branch Unit Number
Netherlands Legal Entity And Partnership Information Number
Israel Registration Number
Israel VAT Number
Liechtenstein Registration Number
Italy Fiscal Code
Denmark Registration Number
Austria Trade Register Number
Zimbabwe Organization Registration Number
Zimbabwe Individual Registration Number
Guatemalan Sole Commercial Registry Number
Colombian Registry of Fiscal Info
Japan Corporate Number
Tokyo Shoko Research Business Identifier
Japan Stock Exchange Number
Local Government Registration Number
Local Government Tax Registration Number
Local Government Chamber of Commerce Number
Local Government Gazette Number
Sweden Registration Number
Finnish Registration Number
Costa Rican Judicial Number
El Salvadoran Patron
Hungarian Tax Identifier
Sweden Branch Number
Jamaican Tax Identification Number
Trinidadian Tax Identification Number
Dominican Republic National Commercial Registry Number
Peruvian Sole Commercial Registry Number
Hungarian Registration Number
East Timor Tax Identification Number
Venezuelan National Tributary Id Number
Nicaraguan Sole Commercial Registry Number
Polish Value Added Tax Number (Nip)
Costa Rican Tax Registration Number
Polish National Official Register Number (Regon)
Polish National Court Council Number
Polish License Number
Colombian National Tributary Id Number
El Salvadoran National Tributary Id Number
Bolivian Sole Commercial Registry Number
Ecuadorian Sole Commercial Registry Number
Sole Commercial Registry Number Unknown Country
National Tributary Id Number Unknown Country
Argentinian Unique Tax Id Key
Paraguayan Unique Tax Registration
Brazilian State Registry Number
Brazilian Municipal Registry Number
Uruguayan Unique Tax Registration
Mexican Federal Tax Registration
Chilean Unique Tax Id
Venezuelan Registry of Fiscal Info
Brazil CNPJ Number - National Registry of Legal Entities
Norwegian Government Organization Number
Hong Kong Business Registration Number
Macao Commercial Registry Company Id Number
Macao Commercial Registry Business Registration Number
S. Korean State Commercial Registry Business Registration Number
S. Korean Trade Association Export/Import Registration Number
Czech Republic Ico Number
Czech Republic VAT Number
Czech Republic Group VAT Number
Czech Republic Tax Registration Number
Bangladesh Company Incorporation Number
Brunei Registration Number
India Company Incorporation Number
Indonesia Legalization Number
Indonesia President Decree Number
Malaysia Company Registration Number
Malaysia Business Registration Number
Nepal Company Incorporation Number
Pakistan Company Incorporation Number
Philippines Registration Number
Sri Lanka Company Incorporation Number
Thailand Registration Number
Vietnam Business Registration Number
Vietnam Investment License Code
Vietnam License For The Establishment
Vietnam License Number
Maldives Registration Number
Bhutan Registration Number
Myanmar Registration Number
Hungarian VAT Number
New Zealand National Company Number - Ncn
Australia Business Registration Number
Australian Business Number
South African Registration Number
Greek Business Registration Number
Philippines Securities & Exchange Commission Number
India Society Registration Number
India Trade Registration Number
India Goods & Services (Gst) Id
Pakistan Securities & Exchange Commission Number
Thailand Commercial Registration Number
Thailand Securities & Exchange Commission Number
Austria Association Registration Number
Monaco Trade & Industry Registration Number
Hungary Ksh Number
Value Added Tax Number (In)
Value Added Tax Number (Ae)
Value Added Tax Number (Sa)
Denmark Cvr Number
United Arab Emirates Registration Number
Bahrain Registration Number
Iraq Registration Number
Iran Registration Number
Jordan Registration Number
Kuwait Registration Number
Lebanon Registration Number
Oman Registration Number
Qatar Registration Number
Saudi Arabia Registration Number
Syria Registration Number
Yemen Registration Number
United Arab Emirates Chamber of Commerce Number
Bahrain Chamber of Commerce Number
Iran Chamber of Commerce Number
Jordan Chamber of Commerce Number
Kuwait Chamber of Commerce Number
Lebanon Chamber of Commerce Number
Oman Chamber of Commerce Number
Qatar Chamber of Commerce Number
Saudi Arabia Chamber of Commerce Number
Syria Chamber of Commerce Number
Yemen Chamber of Commerce Number
Angola Registration Number
Burkina Faso Registration Number
Burundi Registration Number
Benin Registration Number
Central African Republic Registration Number
Congo Registration Number
Ivory Coast Registration Number
Cameroon Registration Number
Cape Verde Registration Number
Djibouti Registration Number
Algeria Registration Number
Egypt Registration Number
Eritrea Registration Number
Ethiopia Registration Number
Falkland Islands Registration Number
Gabon Registration Number
Ghana Registration Number
Gambia Registration Number
Guinea Registration Number
Equatorial Guinea Registration Number
Guinea-Bissau Registration Number
Kenya Registration Number
Comoros Registration Number
Liberia Registration Number
Morocco Registration Number
Madagascar Registration Number
Mali Registration Number
Mauritania Registration Number
Mauritius Registration Number
Malawi Registration Number
Mozambique Registration Number
Niger Registration Number
Nigeria Registration Number
Rwanda Registration Number
Seychelles Registration Number
Sudan Registration Number
St Helena Registration Number
Sierra Leone Registration Number
Senegal Registration Number
Somalia Registration Number
Chad Registration Number
Togo Registration Number
Tanzania Registration Number
Uganda Registration Number
Zambia Registration Number
Ivory Coast Chamber of Commerce Number
Cameroon Chamber of Commerce Number
Algeria Chamber of Commerce Number
Egypt Chamber of Commerce Number
Gabon Chamber of Commerce Number
Morocco Chamber of Commerce Number
Seychelles Chamber of Commerce Number
Senegal Chamber of Commerce Number
Ivory Coast Tax Registration Number
Cameroon Tax Registration Number
Egypt Tax Registration Number
Gabon Tax Registration Number
Ghana Tax Registration Number
Morocco Tax Registration Number
Mauritius Tax Registration Number
Senegal Tax Registration Number
Botswana Tax Registration Number
Lesotho Tax Registration Number
Namibia Tax Registration Number
Eswatini Business Registration Number
South Africa Value Added Tax Number
South Africa Tax Registration Number
South Africa Pay As You Earn Registration Number
Switzerland Registration Number
China National Organization Code
United Social Credit Code
Tax Identification Number (Cn)
China Business Registration Number
Swiss Uniform Identification Number (Uid)
Czech Republic Court Number of Registration
Czech Republic Auditor Registration Number
Czech Republic Trade License Register Number
Czech Republic Chamber of Bailiffs Number
Slovakia Court Number of Registration
Slovakia Tax Registration Number
Slovakia Ičo Number
Slovak VAT Number
Slovakia Group VAT Number
Slovakia Registration Number
Slovakia Trade License Register Number
Tax Identification Number (In)
Economic Development Board Number (In)
Securities Exchange Commission Number (In)
Ministry of Education Number (In)
Provincial People'S Committee Number (In)
Ministry of Planning And Investment Number (In)
State Plan Committee Number (In)
Department of Commercial Registration Number (In)
Law Society Number (In)
Vietnam Tax Identification Number
Luxembourg Rcs Registration Number
New Zealand Business Number
Zimbabwe Business Registration Number
Zimbabwe Tax Registration Number
Zimbabwe Government Gazette Number
Zimbabwe Chamber of Commerce Number
Philippines Business Registration Number
Philippines Tax Identification Number
Philippines Company Incorporation Number
Philippines Department of Commercial Registration Number
Philippines Law Society Number
Philippines State Plan Committee Number
Philippines President Decree Number
Philippines Society Registration Number
Philippines Ministry of Planning And Investment Number
Philippines Economic Development Board Number
Philippines Provincial People'S Committee Number
Indonesia Tax Identification Number
Indonesia Trade Registration Number
Indonesia Business Registration Number
Indonesia Department of Commercial Registration Number
Indonesia Ministry of Education Number
Indonesia Company Incorporation Number
Indonesia Provincial People'S Committee Number
Indonesia Society Registration Number
Indonesia Ministry of Planning And Investment Number
Sri Lanka Tax Identification Number
Sri Lanka Legalization Number
Sri Lanka Economic Development Board Number
Sri Lanka Society Registration Number
Sri Lanka Securities Exchange Commission Number
Sri Lanka Trade Registration Number
Sri Lanka Department of Commercial Registration Number
Sri Lanka Business Registration Number
Maldives Tax Identification Number
Maldives Legalization Number
Maldives Economic Development Board Number
Maldives Society Registration Number
Maldives Trade Registration Number
Maldives Department of Commercial Registration Number
Vietnam Operating License Number
Laos Company Incorporation Number
Laos Tax Identification Number
Laos Business Registration Number
Cambodia Business Registration Number
Cambodia Company Number
Cambodia Tax Identification Number
Myanmar Registration Number
Myanmar Company Number
Myanmar Tax Identification Number
Brunei Tax Identification Number
Algeria Tax Registration Number
Morocco Common Company Identifier
Tunisia Business Registration Number
Tunisia Tax Registration Number
Canada Federal Corporation Number
Switzerland Value Added Tax Number
Canada Federal Business Number
Canada Provincial Corporation Number
Canada Quebec Corporation Tax
Canada Harmonized Corporation Tax
Canada Goods Corporation Tax
Canada Municipal Corporation Number
Companies Commission of Malaysia Registration Number
Office of Scottish Charity Regulator Charity Number
Charity Commission of Northern Ireland Charity Number
Charity Commission for England & Wales Charity Number
UK Financial Conduct Authority Reference Number
Czech Republic Trust Fund Number

Purchase company registry data in three steps:


Tell us which countries you need

Our team of data experts take the time to understand your business, target group and campaign. Based on these insights we create a highly targeted company registry data based on more than 10.000 criteria. From country and number of employees to industry type and job title.


Get a quick count

You’ll get free quote and a detailed count of your company registry data within 24 hours. On request we can provide a free sample with a selection of 10 contacts. Based on your feedback we polish the company database to perfection.


Company register data delivery in 24 hours

Satisfied and want to launch your project? Then we deliver the Company Registry Data in Excel /CSV within 24 hours. And you can start your marketing efforts with uttermost effectiveness



Company Registry Data You Can Rely On

We offer top-notch company registry data that’s not just any list; it’s information sourced straight from official government records. Our expansive and ever-growing dataset is continually verified and updated to ensure accuracy, while also being fully compliant with data protection laws. There’s a common misunderstanding that using data in Europe is a no-go due to GDPR rules set in May 2018. However, GDPR allows for the use and trade of company registry data with personal details collected before its implementation, as long as you follow the legal guidelines for using this data, which our legal team is more than ready to help you with. Get in touch for tips on staying compliant. In short: we offer reliable company registry data you can trust. As an international data specialist, BoldData guarantees your campaign is always in line with the latest regulations.

To promise compliance, BoldData undergoes yearly audits by the Data Driven Marketing Organisation. We value our customers’ trust, using third-party data responsibly and have earned the DDMA’s privacy guarantee seal. Privacy is our top priority, and we’re committed to providing only trustworthy company registry data. Need guidance? Our privacy expert is here for you!

Company Registry Data for Apps

These days, many companies and startups turn to us when they need comprehensive data for their apps. Sometimes, having the right data is crucial for building the app in the first place. Take, for example, launching a KYC app. You might have the tech for a building software, but without access to business names, phone numbers, and addresses from an official source, your app won’t get off the ground. BoldData is your go-to for precise company registry data, available in bulk licenses or real-time via an API.

Keep Your Own Company Registry Data Fresh with BoldData

Maintaining accurate data is a challenge for many businesses, big or small. Acquiring data is one thing, but keeping it updated is another beast entirely. Nowadays, data flows in from everywhere: social media, newsletter sign-ups, website leads, and daily CRM updates by account managers. However, it’s unlikely that these updates will include changes like a company moving. With more data comes greater responsibility to keep your company registry data fresh and clean. Luckily, it doesn’t have to be a hassle. Automate the process by syncing your database with our comprehensive registry of all 3 million companies in the Netherlands. Let us handle the grunt work, so you don’t have to.

What you can expect from our company database?

  • Global coverage, unbeatable local data
  • company registry data for any purpose
  • Privacy compliant: company registry data you can trust
  • Delivery within 24 hours
  • Delivered in a custom Excel sheet or in bulk
  • Our customers rate us 9.3 out of 10

You’ll be in good company

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