Number of companies in Trinidad And Tobago
Trinidad And Tobago is home to 9,635 companies, from 2,244 small businesses with 1 to 4 employees, to 6,340 medium-sized firms with 5 to 99 employees, and 476 large companies with over 100 employees. Additionally, 2,232 companies in Trinidad And Tobago are part of larger corporate groups as subsidiaries. You can easily obtain a list of all companies in Trinidad And Tobago through our platform or contact us to purchase data in bulk.
List of Top 10 biggest companies Trinidad And Tobago
- National Petroleum Marketing Company (NP)
- Petrotrin (Trinidad and Tobago Petroleum Company)
- Trinidad Cement Limited (TCL)
- Republic Bank Limited
- Angostura Limited
- Caribbean Nitrogen Company Limited
- Trinidad and Tobago Electricity Commission (T&TEC)
- First Citizens Bank Limited
- The National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago (NGC)
- TSTT (Telecommunications Services of Trinidad and Tobago)
This list of biggest companies in Trinidad And Tobago is displayed in random order and based on revenue, employee size, ratings, online signals, and many other factors from our global company database. For any questions about this list, contact our PR team at