Our list of all companies in Denmark is the most accurate and up-to-date available. It includes over 946,473 million companies, from small businesses to large multinationals. All of the data is verified by our team of experts, so you can be confident that you are getting accurate information. Get your custom company list in Denmark from reliable data sources, such as the Chamber of Commerce of Denmark. Tell us your target criteria and we’ll create a list for you. Contact us today!
The State of the Danes Economy: Number of Companies by Industry
Denmark has a diverse economy with almost 1 million companies operating in 1,500 industries. The Business Services sector is the largest, with 115,423 companies, followed by Retail and Manufacturing. These three industries alone account for over 29% of all companies in Denmark. We can help you find the right data for your business needs in any industry in Denmark. Contact us today to learn more.
Denmark’s Top 50 Companies
- Aldi Danmark ApS Denmark
- Scandinavian Airlines System Denmark-Norway-Sweden Denmark
- Sunclass Airlines ApS Denmark
- Vestergaard Company A/S Denmark
- Cubic- Modulsystem A/S Denmark
- Ilva A/S Denmark
- Ann Birgitte og Niels Ørskov Christensens Familiefond Denmark
- Margot og Thorvald Dreyers Fond Denmark
- Wessel & Vetts Fond Denmark
- Egmont Fonden Denmark
- Landsholdet Holding ApS Denmark
- Scandinavian Tobacco Group A/S Denmark
- Afry Group Denmark A/S Denmark
- Brøndum Ejendomme Holding ApS Denmark
- Frontmatec Group ApS Denmark
- Huscompagniet A/S Denmark
- Ax Vi Itm8 Holding ApS Denmark
- Søstrene Grenes Holding ApS Denmark
- Ncs International A/S Denmark
- Dansk Træemballage A/S Denmark
- Unity Ipr ApS Denmark
- Pwt Group A/S Denmark
- Bech Personale ApS Denmark
- HMF Group A/S Denmark
- Cimbria A/S Denmark
- V. Guldmann A/S Denmark
- Servicefirmaet Renell A/S Denmark
- Kelsen Group A/S Denmark
- Toms Gruppen A/S Denmark
- Carletti A/S Denmark
- Viking Life-Saving Equipment A/S Denmark
- Synoptik A/S Denmark
- Dhi Fonden Denmark
- Cibicom A/S Denmark
- Globalconnect A/S Denmark
- Hi3g Denmark ApS Denmark
- Norlys Fiber Infrastruktur A/S Denmark
- RTX A/S Denmark
- Alstom Transport Danmark Hvidovre A/S Denmark
- European Energy A/S Denmark
- Norlys Forsyning A/S Denmark
- M.J. Eriksson Aktieselskab Denmark
- Cg Jensen A/S Denmark
- Trefor Infrastruktur A/S Denmark
- Mammen Mejerierne A/S Denmark
- Nature Energy Biogas A/S Denmark
- Ørsted A/S Denmark
- 5r People ApS Denmark
- Stibo Systems A/S Denmark
- Emagine Consulting A/S Denmark
Reach all companies in Denmark with accurate data
Whether you’re looking to get hold of Danes companies in the legal, IT, technology, government or logistics sector, BoldData holds information for all of them. Our Danes business intelligence is a perfect match no matter what your ultimate goals are. We can select your perfect target based on numerous interesting selections: from 3.000 industries to region, turnover, sector and the number of employees. Discover some of the options in the overview below and request a free quote via the contact form. Do you need a list in different region, city or country? No problem, we’re here to help: we can help you worldwide with companies lists in all countries and cities.