List of companies in Iceland

Get a list of companies in Iceland from the most complete and trusted local sources

Scale your business to Iceland with highly accurate data. BoldData is the market leader in delivery custom-made B2B datasets for marketing, sales or analytical usage. Let our data experts build a custom-made list with company names and addresses, contact details, financial information, business size, structure information and much more. Simply ask request a free quote via the contact form!

Buy a GDPR proof list of companies in Iceland

Building marketing campaigs, researching for competitors and reaching out to key companies in Iceland has never been easier. BoldData will do the hard work for you. Let our data experts build a quality dataset from our list of companies in Iceland. Ask a quote via the contact form and buy your custom made list today!

Top 100 biggest companies in the Iceland

Marel hf. Iceland

Velsmidja Arna Jons ehf Iceland

Municipality of Kopavogur Iceland

Icelandic Group ehf. Iceland


Festi hf. Iceland

Hampidjan hf. Iceland

Hagar verslanir ehf. Iceland

Brim hf. Iceland

Iceland Seafood International hf. Iceland

Dagar hf. Iceland

Sjovik ehf Iceland

Hagar hf. Iceland

Sildarvinnslan hf. Iceland

IGS ehf. Iceland

T M Software Inc Iceland

Samskip hf. Iceland

Oliuverzlun Islands ehf. Iceland

Kronan ehf. Iceland

Lyf og heilsa hf. Iceland

365 midlar hf. Iceland

Keflavikurflugvollur ohf Iceland

Efla hf. Iceland

Blaa Lonid hf. Iceland

Flugfelag Islands ehf. (Air Iceland) Iceland

Blafugl ehf. Iceland

Controlant hf. Iceland

Bygma Island ehf. Iceland

Rio Tinto a Islandi hf. Iceland

Munck Islandi ehf. Iceland

Thorfish hf Iceland

Vinnslustodin hf. Iceland

Olgerdin Egill Skallagrimsson hf. Iceland

Basko verslanir ehf. Iceland

Iceland Prime Contractor Ltd Iceland

Istak hf. Iceland

Visir ehf. Iceland

Hopbifreidar Kynnisferda ehf. Iceland

Fly Play hf. Iceland

Fram Foods ehf Iceland

VL Verktakar hf Iceland

Isavia ANS ehf. Iceland

Costco Wholesale Iceland ehf. Iceland

Terra umhverfisthjonusta hf. Iceland

Rarik ohf. Iceland

Frihofnin ehf. Iceland

KERECIS hf. Iceland

Lyfja hf. Iceland

Fagkaup ehf. Iceland

Holdur ehf. Iceland

Byggingarfelag Gylfa og Gunnars hf Iceland

VHE ehf. Iceland

Straumhvarf ehf. Iceland

Reiknistofa bankanna hf. Iceland

Elkem Island ehf. Iceland

Rammi hf. Iceland


Hradfrystihusid – Gunnvor hf. Iceland

Penninn ehf. Iceland

ATH-THrif ehf. Iceland

Isfelag hf. Iceland

ICE-GROUP ehf. Iceland

Lifland ehf. Iceland

Midbaejarhotel/Centerhotels ehf. Iceland

Coca-Cola Europacific Partners Island ehf. Iceland

THG verktakar ehf. Iceland

Slippurinn Akureyri ehf. Iceland

Stjarnan ehf. Iceland

BSR ehf Iceland

Iceland Construction ehf. Iceland

Nova hf. Iceland

KFC ehf Iceland

Bakarameistarinn ehf. Iceland


Islenskt sjavarfang ehf Iceland

Hekla hf. Iceland

Teya Iceland hf. Iceland

TH.S. Verktakar ehf. Iceland

Sudurverk hf. Iceland


Matfugl ehf. Iceland

Laugar ehf. Iceland

EJS ehf Iceland

TK bilar ehf. Iceland


Noi-Sirius hf. Iceland


TANGI HF Iceland

Ferdaskrifstofa Kynnisferda ehf. Iceland

Toppfiskur ehf Iceland

JAVERK ehf. Iceland

NOVOMATIC Lottery Solutions ( Iceland) hf. Iceland

Stjornugris hf. Iceland

Orkan IS ehf. Iceland

atNorth ehf. Iceland

Prospect Financial Europe ehf. Iceland

Ferro Zink hf. Iceland

Byggingafelagid Kambur ehf Iceland

H & M Hennes & Mauritz Iceland ehf. Iceland

Frumherji hf. Iceland



Frequently asked questions about this List of Companies in Iceland

The price depends on the number of addresses and the address details needed. The minimum order amount is € 425,-. This equals approximately 1.000 up-to-date addresses. Buy more, get more discount! Check our prices here. Click on “Worldwide B2B Data” for the breakdown.Tell us your target group and we send you a free quote. Call +31(0)20 705 2360 or send an e-mail to

Do you want to place your order? Simply confirm your selection by replying to the e-mail. BoldData delivers the database (in Excel) within 24 hours by e-mail.

Tell us your target group via the request form or by phone. Based on your information we search for the database that perfectly matches your target group and objectives. Subsequently we send you a free quote, including the number or addresses, within one day.

Do you want to place your order? Simply confirm your selection by replying to the e-mail. BoldData delivers the addresses (in Excel) within 24 hours by mail.

After you’ve placed the order at one of our data-experts, you can choose one of the below online payment methods:

  • PayPal
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  • iDEAL

We’re a worldwide data company with data experts in 100+ countries. That’s we’re always adding new (local) payment methods. So feel free to ask your preferred way of making payments. We also accept regular banktransfers to IBAN: NL82INGB0006175892 and BIC INGBNL2A.


  • UniqueID
  • CompanyNames
  • TradeName
  • Address1
  • Address2
  • AddressStreet
  • AddressHouseNumber
  • PostCode
  • City
  • Province
  • Country
  • Language
  • Phone
  • Fax
  • Mobile
  • Website
  • Email
  • National ID
  • Longitude
  • Latitude
  • GeoLevel
  • Year Founded

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GDPR Proof companies Lists

This a DDMA accreditated and GDPR compliant companies list which is continuously updated by various sources such as Chamber of Commerces, Eurostat, Central Insolvency Register for receiverships and bankruptcies, Central Statistics Offices, Market Reports, News and press releases, Publishers, Branch Organizations, Internet and deep web (Big Data).

Daily data validation of our list of companies in Iceland

No matter how fancy the modern technology is, it will never fully replace the human-verified capabilities. This is the reason BoldData has more than 50 data experts that collect, organize and validate different datasets daily.

The overview displays just a part of the possibilities. However, we offer you access to quality data of more than 1.700 different target groups in 100 countries. It’s very likely that we can deliver a mailing list that targets the best prospects for your product or service. Contact us via +31(0)20 705 2360 or send an e-mail to to discover the possibilities. We are here to help.

Do you want to get started with our company list in Iceland?

Tell us your target group and we send you a free quote. Call +31(0)20 705 2360 or send an e-mail to Do you want to place your order? Simply confirm your selection by replying to the e-mail. BoldData delivers your custom made list (in Excel) within 24 hours by e-mail.

Other Questions or are you looking for a other city or country? Our data experts are specialized in supervising international campaigns. We have specific direct marketing knowledge per country and have highly accurate data of 300 million companies in 100+ countries. Contact us for free tailor-made advice and an independent quote. Please call +31(0)20 705 2360 or send an e-mail to

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