UBO Checking

Start checking Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO’s) in seconds with instant access to 287,987,792 companies, UBO’s and financial information. BoldData connects to hundreds of financial registries, UBO registers, entity data and company owners ship structures. Our UBO Registry give you quick and transparent results to identify fraud, verify customer identities and maintain compliancy.

Optimize your UBO checking processes, in nearly every country.

With BoldData you will find all the necessary business information to meet the sanction acts obligations in the field of client verification, locating the UBO(s), client monitoring and archiving supporting documents for the audit trail. Do you want to accurately and reliably verify your client’s identity and the beneficial owners behind the company ? This can be done via our UBO registry and our UBO Service API. With our data you will find the most complete company information in one place. Carry out compliance checks, find out the UBOs and check whether clients (natural persons and entities) are actual companies. You can also automatically integrate this information into your client acceptance and client monitoring system using our APIs. This way you automate your UBO screening process in real time. BoldData is the world’s market leader in custom-made datasets. Our company data is the backbone for other KYB providers, financial institutes, legal companies, banks, government, e-commerce and gaming companies. All our KYB company data is verified by automated processes and human eyes on an ongoing basis

Our team of compliancy experts take the time to understand your compliance challenges, due diligence measures, target group and campaign. Based on these insights we create a strategy and identify a data source based on the fields, geography, and use case. From a company dataset in bulk by country to a global business API to search for individual entities Ask us for a quote!

Here’s how you can find UBO’s with peace of mind:


Verify business data

Verify new customers based on registration number, national ID, VAT number address, legal status, date of incorporation, contact information, phone number and URL.


Identify and check Ultimate Beneficial Owners (UBO’s)

Find out the Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO) or ultimate beneficial owners and the ownership and control structure of the group to which the client belongs.


Check a company’s financial strength

Keep ahead of the curve by checking a companies balance sheet, credit scores, shareholders, profit & loss and other financials.


Download financial statements

Download official company records sources from public registries and credit institutions.

What is a UBO?

The meaning of UBO is Ultimate Beneficial Owner. It is the ultimate beneficial owner of an organization. This can also be several people. A UBO has ultimate ownership or ultimate control over your client, for example via shares, voting rights or ownership interest.

What is the UBO Register?

The UBO register contains all UBOs of organization with certain legal states. A UBO is an Ultimate Beneficial Owner, i.e. ultimate beneficial owner. These are persons who hold more than 25% of the shares or voting rights, who hold an economic interest or who have actual control.

In many countries all UBOs of organizations with certain legal forms must be registered in the UBO register. Some of the information in the register is public. You consult it to check the specified UBOs of your (potential) client. If the information is correct, you can have the relationship sign a UBO statement. In addition, you must conduct your own research into the UBO. There are no rules about how you do your own research. For example, you can verify the UBO via independent data sources. This way you help prevent people from hiding anonymously behind a company to commit financial crimes.

Local UBO registers are often managed by the local Chamber of Commerces. This information about UBOs is public:

  • First
  • Last name
  • Date of Birth
  • Nationality
  • Country of residence
  • The nature and extent of the economic interest held by the person concerned

Who are required to register the UBO Register?

Each legal form has its own definition of a UBO. We list them below.

  • BVs and NVs, excluding listed companies. The UBO of a BV or NV is the person who (in)directly owns more than 25% of the shares of the company, or has more than 25% voting rights (control).
  • Partnerships, partnerships, CVs and shipping companies. In these legal forms, the UBO is the person who (in)directly has more than 25% ownership interest. Or it is the person who has more than 25% voting rights in management acts or a change of the cooperation agreement.
  • Foundations and associations. The UBO of a foundation or association is the person who (in)directly has an ownership interest of more than 25%, or who has more than 25% voting rights in the event of an amendment to the articles of association. The UBO can also be the person who has actual control over a legal person.
  • A trust always has several UBOs. In any case, it’s about the trustees. The founder, protector and beneficiary(ies) of a trust may also be beneficial owners.

These definitions do not apply in all cases. For example, someone with less than 25% of the interests is also a UBO, for example because this person has ultimate control over a client in a different way.

If an effective UBO checking process is not put in place, this can lead to hefty fines, sanctions or even public ridicule. In the U.S., Europe, the Middle East, and the Asia Pacific, a cumulated USD26 billion in fines have been levied for non-compliance with AML, KYB, and sanctions-fines the past ten years (2008-2018) – let alone the reputational damage done and not measured.



Screen UBO’s with BoldData

Do you want to conduct the research efficiently and accurately? Then start using our data or API. With this you can reliably identify the UBOs and find the most complete company information: from entries individual entities to the organizational structure. You can also automatically integrate all information into your client acceptance and client monitoring system with our APIs. Tell us your compliancy challenge and country and we send you a free quote. Call +31(0)20 705 2360 or send an e-mail to info@bolddata.nl

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