A National ID for business contains the business identification number used in some countries for business registration and tax collection. Examples include CRO numbers in the U.K. and the French Siren numbers.

Which National ID’s are available?

BoldData can deliver National ID numbers from almost all 300 million companies worldwide. This database can be used for validation, due diligence and customer onboarding (KYC). Please see which National ID’s are available in our database:


National Identification NumbersCode
Algeria Chamber of Commerce Number592
Algeria National ID555
Algeria Tax National ID820
Andorra Fiscal Code25
Angola National ID545
Argentinian Unique Tax Id Key200
Australia Business National ID322
Australia Company Number31
Australian Business Number323
Austria Association National ID360
Austria Trade Register Number70
Bahrain Chamber of Commerce Number535
Bahrain National ID523
Bangladesh Company Incorporation Number300
Belgium Branch Unit Number11
Belgium Enterprise Number10
Benin National ID548
Bhutan National ID317
Bolivian Sole Commercial Registry Number165
Botswana Tax National ID610
Brazil CNPJ Number - National Registry of Legal Entities260
Brazilian Municipal Registry Number212
Brazilian State Registry Number211
Brunei National ID301
Brunei Tax Identification Number819
Burkina Faso National ID546
Burundi National ID547
Cambodia Business National ID813
Cambodia Company Number814
Cambodia Tax Identification Number815
Cameroon Chamber of Commerce Number591
Cameroon National ID552
Cameroon Tax National ID599
Canada Federal Business Number826
Canada Federal Corporation Number824
Canada Goods Corporation Tax830
Canada Harmonized Corporation Tax829
Canada Municipal Corporation Number831
Canada Provincial Corporation Number827
Canada Quebec Corporation Tax828
Cape Verde National ID553
Central African Republic National ID549
Chad National ID585
Charity Commission for England & Wales Charity Number835
Charity Commission of Northern Ireland Charity Number834
Chilean Unique Tax Id240
China Business National ID715
China National Organization Code710
Cins Number34
Colombian National Tributary Id Number145
Colombian Registry of Fiscal Info95
Comoros National ID567
Companies Commission of Malaysia National ID832
Congo National ID550
Costa Rican Judicial Number108
Costa Rican Tax National ID135
CUSIP Number30
Czech Republic Auditor National ID726
Czech Republic Chamber of Bailiffs Number728
Czech Republic Court Number of Registration725
Czech Republic Group VAT Number292
Czech Republic Ico Number286
Czech Republic Tax National ID293
Czech Republic Trade License Register Number727
Czech Republic Trust Fund Number837
Czech Republic VAT Number290
Denmark Cvr Number521
Denmark National ID65
Department of Commercial National ID (In)760
Djibouti National ID554
Dominican Republic National Commercial Registry Number115
East Timor Tax Identification Number122
Economic Development Board Number (In)754
Ecuadorian Sole Commercial Registry Number175
Egypt Chamber of Commerce Number593
Egypt National ID556
Egypt Tax National ID600
El Salvadoran National Tributary Id Number155
El Salvadoran Patron109
Equatorial Guinea National ID564
Eritrea National ID557
Eswatini Business National ID640
Ethiopia National ID558
Europe Standard VAT Number18
Falkland Islands National ID559
Finnish National ID107
France Chamber of Commerce Number15
France Siren Number14
France Siret Number17
Gabon Chamber of Commerce Number594
Gabon National ID560
Gabon Tax National ID601
Gambia National ID562
Germany National ID20
Ghana National ID561
Ghana Tax National ID602
Greek Business National ID325
Guatemalan Sole Commercial Registry Number90
Guinea National ID563
Guinea-Bissau National ID565
Hong Kong Business National ID281
Hong Kong Co Registry Company Id Number33
Hungarian National ID120
Hungarian Tax Identifier110
Hungarian VAT Number320
Hungary Ksh Number365
India Company Incorporation Number302
India Goods & Services (Gst) Id342
India Society National ID335
India Trade National ID340
Indonesia Business National ID784
Indonesia Company Incorporation Number787
Indonesia Department of Commercial National ID785
Indonesia Legalization Number303
Indonesia Ministry of Education Number786
Indonesia Ministry of Planning And Investment Number790
Indonesia President Decree Number304
Indonesia Provincial People'S Committee Number788
Indonesia Society National ID789
Indonesia Tax Identification Number782
Indonesia Trade National ID783
Iran Chamber of Commerce Number536
Iran National ID525
Iraq National ID524
Ireland CRO Number13
Israel National ID45
Israel VAT Number50
Italy Chamber of Commerce Number21
Italy Fiscal Code60
Ivory Coast Chamber of Commerce Number590
Ivory Coast National ID551
Ivory Coast Tax National ID598
Jamaican Tax Identification Number112
Japan Corporate Number99
Japan Stock Exchange Number101
Jordan Chamber of Commerce Number537
Jordan National ID526
Kenya National ID566
Kuwait Chamber of Commerce Number538
Kuwait National ID527
Laos Business National ID812
Laos Company Incorporation Number810
Laos Tax Identification Number811
Law Society Number (In)761
Lebanon Chamber of Commerce Number539
Lebanon National ID528
Lesotho Tax National ID620
Liberia National ID568
Liechtenstein National ID55
Local Government Chamber of Commerce Number104
Local Government Gazette Number105
Local Government National ID102
Local Government Tax National ID103
Luxembourg Rcs National ID 765
Macao Commercial Registry Business National ID283
Macao Commercial Registry Company Id Number282
Madagascar National ID570
Malawi National ID574
Malaysia Business National ID306
Malaysia Company National ID305
Maldives Department of Commercial National ID808
Maldives Economic Development Board Number805
Maldives Legalization Number804
Maldives National ID316
Maldives Society National ID806
Maldives Tax Identification Number803
Maldives Trade National ID807
Mali National ID571
Mauritania National ID572
Mauritius National ID573
Mauritius Tax National ID604
Mexican Federal Tax Registration230
Mexico Iva40
Ministry of Education Number (In)756
Ministry of Planning And Investment Number (In)758
Monaco Trade & Industry National ID362
Monte Carlo Siren Number16
Morocco Chamber of Commerce Number595
Morocco Common Company Identifier821
Morocco National ID569
Morocco Tax National ID603
Mozambique National ID575
Myanmar Company Number817
Myanmar National ID816
Myanmar National ID318
Myanmar Tax Identification Number818
Namibia Tax National ID630
National Tributary Id Number Unknown Country195
Nepal Company Incorporation Number307
Netherlands Branch Unit Number42
Netherlands Legal Entity And Partnership Information Number43
Netherlands Trade Register Number19
New Zealand Business Number766
New Zealand National Company Number - Ncn321
Nicaraguan Sole Commercial Registry Number127
Niger National ID576
Nigeria National ID577
Norwegian Government Organization Number270
Office of Scottish Charity Regulator Charity Number 833
Oman Chamber of Commerce Number540
Oman National ID529
Pakistan Company Incorporation Number308
Pakistan Securities & Exchange Commission Number345
Panamanian Sole Commercial Registry Number35
Paraguayan Unique Tax Registration210
Peruvian Sole Commercial Registry Number119
Philippines Business National ID771
Philippines Company Incorporation Number773
Philippines Department of Commercial National ID774
Philippines Economic Development Board Number780
Philippines Law Society Number775
Philippines Ministry of Planning And Investment Number779
Philippines President Decree Number777
Philippines Provincial People'S Committee Number781
Philippines National ID309
Philippines Securities & Exchange Commission Number330
Philippines Society National ID778
Philippines State Plan Committee Number776
Philippines Tax Identification Number772
Polish License Number143
Polish National Court Council Number142
Polish National Official Register Number (Regon)140
Polish Value Added Tax Number (Nip)130
Portugal Chamber of Commerce Number36
Portugal Fiscal Code26
Provincial People'S Committee Number (In)757
Qatar Chamber of Commerce Number541
Qatar National ID530
Rwanda National ID578
S. Korean State Commercial Registry Business National ID284
S. Korean Trade Association Export/Import National ID285
Saudi Arabia Chamber of Commerce Number542
Saudi Arabia National ID531
Securities Exchange Commission Number (In)755
Senegal Chamber of Commerce Number597
Senegal National ID583
Senegal Tax National ID605
Seychelles Chamber of Commerce Number596
Seychelles National ID579
Sierra Leone National ID582
Singapore Registration File Number32
Slovak VAT Number745
Slovakia Ičo Number740
Slovakia Court Number of Registration730
Slovakia Group VAT Number748
Slovakia National ID750
Slovakia Tax National ID735
Slovakia Trade License Register Number752
Sole Commercial Registry Number Unknown Country185
Somalia National ID584
South Africa Pay As You Earn National ID670
South Africa Tax National ID660
South Africa Value Added Tax Number650
South African National ID324
Spain Fiscal Code24
Sri Lanka Business National ID802
Sri Lanka Company Incorporation Number310
Sri Lanka Department of Commercial National ID801
Sri Lanka Economic Development Board Number797
Sri Lanka Legalization Number796
Sri Lanka Securities Exchange Commission Number799
Sri Lanka Society National ID798
Sri Lanka Tax Identification Number795
Sri Lanka Trade National ID800
St Helena National ID581
State Plan Committee Number (In)759
Sudan National ID580
Sweden Branch Number111
Sweden National ID106
Swiss Uniform Identification Number (Uid) 720
Switzerland National ID702
Switzerland Value Added Tax Number825
Syria Chamber of Commerce Number543
Syria National ID532
Taiwan Business National ID22
Tanzania National ID587
Tax Identification Number (Cn)712
Tax Identification Number (In)753
Thailand Commercial National ID350
Thailand National ID311
Thailand Securities & Exchange Commission Number355
Togo National ID586
Tokyo Shoko Research Business Identifier100
Trinidadian Tax Identification Number113
Tunisia Business National ID822
Tunisia Tax National ID823
Uganda National ID588
UK CRO Number12
UK Financial Conduct Authority Reference Number836
United Arab Emirates Chamber of Commerce Number534
United Arab Emirates National ID522
United Social Credit Code711
Uruguayan Unique Tax Registration220
Value Added Tax Number (Ae)519
Value Added Tax Number (In)400
Value Added Tax Number (Sa)520
Venezuelan National Tributary Id Number125
Venezuelan Registry of Fiscal Info250
Vietnam Business National ID312
Vietnam Investment License Code313
Vietnam License For The Establishment314
Vietnam License Number315
Vietnam Operating License Number809
Vietnam Tax Identification Number762
Yemen Chamber of Commerce Number544
Yemen National ID533
Zambia National ID589
Zimbabwe Business National ID767
Zimbabwe Chamber of Commerce Number770
Zimbabwe Government Gazette Number769
Zimbabwe Individual National ID80
Zimbabwe Organization National ID75
Zimbabwe Tax National ID768


What is the National ID for consumers?

A national identity card is a portable document, usually a plastic card with digitally embedded information, that enables someone to confirm their identity. Since the September 11th World Trade Center tragedy, many countries have discussed issuing national identity cards to distinguish terrorists from law-abiding citizens.

Government officials in the United Kingdom have discussed using biometrics, such as iris or fingerprint recognition, to confirm a cardholder’s identity with a national identity card. There would be a national database of basic personal information as part of the controversial plan.

Countries with National ID

Many fear that a national identity card would violate their privacy rights and lead to government abuse. A national identity card has been discussed in the U.S. and Canada but, so far, has yet to be seriously advocated. But, several countries in the Third World already require their citizens to carry national identity cards.

Here is a list of some countries implementing the use of National IDs:

1. China

Currently, China is developing the world’s most powerful facial recognition system, aiming to match a citizen’s face with an ID photo 90% of the time. Isvision, a Shanghai-based security company, has been handling the system containing pictures of each of its 1.3 billion citizens.

According to reports, one of the purposes of the system is to track wanted suspects and improve public administration. Furthermore, China will digitize its national ID card to promote paperless transactions and streamline government processes.

Currently, China’s ID card can be used for obtaining residence permits and driving licenses, opening bank accounts, checking into hotels, purchasing railway tickets, and boarding domestic flights. By digitizing its national ID, it will be available on smartphones, and citizens will no longer require physical ID cards.

2. Thailand

47% of Thailand’s population uses its national identity card or Smart ID. Various agencies use it to verify eligibility for government services as proof of identity.

For example, the national ID is used by the government to determine which public health insurance is most appropriate for a citizen based on the citizen’s age, occupation, and civil status.

Additionally, Thailand’s SmartID can also be used with its 7.2 million farmer database. A farmer’s Smart ID can track crops, livestock, and geographic location here. In the event of a disease outbreak, drought, or other natural disaster, government officials can allocate targeted assistance.

3. Estonia

Estonia’s national ID serves as a health insurance card and identification when logging into bank accounts. A citizen’s ID card can also be a legal travel ID within the EU.

Apart from these functions, it can also be used for digital signatures, i-Voting, submitting tax claims, and checking medical records.

The Estonian government is the first nation to offer a “transnational digital identity” that is referred to as an e-Residency. This allows Estonia’s e-residents to access public e-services remotely and receive a digital ID.

Through the program, foreigners can manage and conduct EU business from anywhere in the world. Approximately 5,033 companies have already been established by e-residents, according to the government’s e-Residency website.

4. Pakistan

NADRA (National Database and Registration Authority) is an independent organization that administers Pakistan’s national ID program.

Following ITU-T, its national ID database is one of the largest face recognition projects in the world, covering 98% of its citizens. The Smart National Identity Card (SNIC) is its physical counterpart.

As part of the ID card fee, NADRA also includes insurance against accidental death in addition to branchless banking, e-commerce, and social transfers. Moreover, the country supports biometric-based secure health insurance and uses the SNIC to track vaccinations for children.

Aside from those, Pakistan’s national identification card can also serve as a passport in 100 international airports, as it adheres to the IATA’s standards for machine-readable travel documents.

5. India

Aadhaar, India’s identification system, does not issue physical ID cards to its citizens. Rather, it is a cloud-based system that issues 12-digit identification numbers (UIDs) in combination with biometric information.

It is estimated that 67% of India’s national population uses the identification system.The program provides government cash transfers, digital banking, and mobile money services. By linking bank accounts to Aadhaar, citizens can receive subsidies for government programs, such as liquid petroleum cooking gas subsidies.

Additionally, Aadhaar is linked to a text messaging platform that allows citizens to send funds by entering their unique ID number and specifying the amount.

As part of the election process, Aadhaar is synced with the electoral photo identity card database to filter out unqualified voters and remove them from the electoral rolls. Among its other functions, the UID tracks the attendance of federal government employees and verifies traveler identities when reserving railway tickets.

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