The price depends on the number of addresses and the address details needed. The minimum order amount is € 750,-. This equals approximately 2.000 up-to-date addresses. Tell us your target group and we send you a free quote. Call +31(0)20 705 2360 or send an e-mail to
Email list software developers
Talk to software developers with first-class, up-to-date email data
Your email marketing campaign to software developers deserves the nothing but the best data. Look no further! Our software developer database is highly competitive and accurate. Just tell us which country you want to target and we deliver you a custom list of software developers in Excel. All handmade by our data experts and ready within 24 hours.
Want to talk to software developers? Then accurate data is everything. We create a highly targeted email list custom made for your campaign. Our ever-growing database welcomes new software developers every month and is continually verified for accuracy. Discover the possibilities in the overview below and request a quote by filling in the contact form. Just ask for a free sample via the contact form and you can enjoy a sample taken from BoldData’s database completely free of charge.
Buy GDPR Proof Email list software developers in Excel
We guarantee the most extensive and precise list of Email list software developers in the market. All the Email list software developers we supply can be selected on country, employees and industry. Discover the possibilities in the overview below and request a quote by filling in the contact form.
Overview email list software developers
Email list Software Developers North America | 249730 |
Email list Software Developers South America | 4162 |
Email list Software Developers Asia | 24973 |
Email list Software Developers Europe | 49946 |
Email list Software Developers Middle East | 8324 |
Email list Software Developers Australia | 16648 |
Email list Software Developers Africa | 20810 |
Email list Software Developers Russia | 2081 |
Email list Software Developers United States | 208109 |
Email list Software Developers UK | 41621 |
Email list Software Developers's in 200+ countries | Ask a quote! |
Frequently asked question about this email list of safety managers
Tell us your target group via the request form or by phone. Subsequently we send you a free quote, including the number or addresses, within one day.
Ready to order? Simply confirm the proposal. And we’ll deliver your e-mail list within 24 hours (in Excel).
A dataset contains the following information:
- Direct/personal e-mail address
- Name of contactperson
- Job title
- Company name and postal address
- Phone number
- Activity / sector
- Number of employees
- Turn over
- Founding year
- Website
Our data is human verified on a daily basis. So the data quality is extremely high. However, with e-mail addresses you have to keep in mind a bounce rate of 5%. The reason for this is that in the world today, people are constantly changing jobs and/or positions, and companies may move and change their telephone numbers, names, websites, or email addresses. Therefore it is impossible to reach 100% accuracy with e-mail addresses.
Since the entry of the GDPR in Europe there is a lot of change in terms of data editing and updating of data. In this matter al our data sources are GDPR compliant.
BoldData uses legitimate interest as the legal ground for our data processing, we always secure this by performing a balancing assessment, that verifies and balances our interest to process the data versus the individual’s right to privacy. In general terms, this is what the balancing assessment consist of:
- A description of BoldData’s legitimate interest and an evaluation if the data processing is necessary and proportional for the purpose we have.
- The impact on the individuals and if they reasonable expect what will happen to their data, as well as how sensitive data is, how much data is used and how it is processed;
- Additional safeguards we have put in place which could limit the impact on the individuals, such a data minimization, privacy enhancing technologies; increased transparency, the right to opt-out, and data portability.
The record of the balancing assessment is saved, so that we can demonstrate the considerations we have made. When doing the balancing assessment, we require that all requirements for the individuals’ rights are fulfilled. We also undertake technical and organizational measures to secure the individuals data.
Please contact us for tailor-made advice or more information about privacy laws via +31(0)20 705 2360 of We’re here to help!
Want to get started with our email list of software developers?
Just tell us which countries you want to target. Based on these insights you receive a free quote for your business mailing list within 24 hours. Satisfied? Then we deliver the custom business list in Excel. And you can start targeting your prospects with extreme precision.