Commonwealth OF Massachusetts
Company Profile
Commonwealth of Massachusetts is located at 24 Beacon St, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. Operating in the General Government industry, the company is registered as a corporation under the company number NID932612267.
Commonwealth OF Massachusetts
24 Beacon St , 021331099, Boston
General government
Commonwealth OF Massachusetts
24 Beacon St , 021331099, Boston
General government
The revenue of Commonwealth OF Massachusetts is $57.0 billion
Commonwealth OF Massachusetts: Revenue from 2017 to 2024
Revenue of Commonwealth of Massachusetts: This data presents the revenue of Commonwealth of Massachusetts from 2017 to 2023. In the fiscal year 2023/2024, Commonwealth of Massachusetts recorded a revenue of $57 billion, showcasing its financial growth over recent years. As a prominent entity in the public administration sector, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts plays a crucial role in general government operations within the United States. This American organization continues to demonstrate substantial annual sales contributions, emphasizing its vital function in the executive, legislative, and general government, further strengthening its position within the market.
Revenue per year in USD ($)
Top 5 companies in revenue in General Government, Not Elsewhere Classified Worldwide
Company name | Sales |
State of Texas | $199.6 billion |
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania | $110.1 billion |
City & County of San Francisco | $8.5 billion |
State of Iowa | $22.0 billion |
Commonwealth of Massachusetts | $57.0 billion |
The number of employees of Commonwealth OF Massachusetts is 500-999
Commonwealth OF Massachusetts: Employees from 2017 - 2024
Employees at Commonwealth of Massachusetts: Commonwealth of Massachusetts now employs a substantial workforce, reflecting the company’s significant presence.
Number of employees from 2017 to 2024
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The Industry of Commonwealth OF Massachusetts is General Government, Not Elsewhere Classified
Commonwealth OF Massachusetts Industry Data:
Industry of Commonwealth of Massachusetts: The Commonwealth of Massachusetts operates in the General Government industry, which falls under SIC Code 9199. This industry includes companies and organizations that focus on providing essential government services and functions not categorized elsewhere. These entities typically manage public policies, regulations, and provide necessary services to support the safety, health, and welfare of the community. With a strong focus on maintaining public administration, these businesses ensure the effective implementation of governmental responsibilities.
Industry Statistics By Sic Code
Commonwealth OF Massachusetts is operating in Sic Code:
General Government, Not Elsewhere Classified (9199) - Representation of companies operating in North America and Usa
0.18% of companies worldwide
0.04% of companies in USA
There are 611842 companies operating in this industry worldwide.
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Commonwealth OF Massachusetts owns 7 companies Worldwide
Number of companies owned by Commonwealth of Massachusetts
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts established ownership in 2014 and is an intrinsic part of an extensive network of 7 related entities. With its official registration as a legal status 3 entity, the Commonwealth is strategically positioned to amplify its influence within the general government sector. Located in Boston, Massachusetts, this renowned entity operates under DUNS Number 196149590, reflecting its substantial presence in executive, legislative, and general government functions. The collaborative family structure facilitates growth across various sectors, enabling the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to engage effectively with its market and achieve significant economic outcomes, evidenced by its $57 billion in annual sales and a workforce of 700 employees. The Commonwealth's strategic positioning allows it to manage and execute wide-ranging government functions, fostering an environment of progressive governance. The strong ownership structure of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts underscores its pivotal role in the United States, enhancing its capabilities to deliver on its mandate while being a cornerstone of public administration in the region.
Among the companies owned by Commonwealth of Massachusetts are: Committee For Public Counsel Services, located in Springfield, USA Commonwealth of Massachusetts, located in Boston, USA Commonwealth of Massachusetts, located in Boston, USA.
Company Type
Commonwealth OF Massachusetts is registered as
44.10% of companies
55.69% of companies in USA
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Commonwealth of Massachusetts has a CEO registered at the official local trade register in USA. With access to 700 contacts and decision makers, including CIOs, CFOs, and HR managers, Commonwealth of Massachusetts offers verified email addresses and phone numbers for key contacts.
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