State OF Texas
Company Profile
State of Texas is located at Street f085ad65, Austin, Texas, USA. Operating in the Executive and Legislature industry, specifically under the General Government category with SIC Code 9199, the State of Texas serves as a central hub for governance and public administration within North America.
State OF Texas
1100 San Jacinto Blvd , 787011935, Austin
General government
State OF Texas
1100 San Jacinto Blvd , 787011935, Austin
General government
The revenue of State OF Texas is $199.6 billion
State OF Texas: Revenue from 2017 to 2024
Revenue of State of Texas: This data presents the revenue of State of Texas from 2017 to 2023. In the fiscal year 2023/2024, State of Texas recorded a revenue of 199 billion USD, showcasing its financial growth over recent years. As part of the Executive and Legislature industry, the State of Texas plays a significant role in governance and public administration, primarily headquartered in Austin, Texas, USA. Employing over 144,000 individuals, it remains a key player in the regional economy, with a deep-rooted history dating back to 1845.
Revenue per year in USD ($)
Top 5 companies in revenue in General Government, Not Elsewhere Classified Worldwide
Company name | Sales |
State of Texas | $199.6 billion |
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania | $110.1 billion |
City & County of San Francisco | $8.5 billion |
State of Iowa | $22.0 billion |
Commonwealth of Massachusetts | $57.0 billion |
The number of employees of State OF Texas is 100000+
State OF Texas: Employees from 2017 - 2024
Employees at State of Texas: State of Texas now employs 144,175 people, reflecting the company’s significant presence.
Number of employees from 2017 to 2024
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The Industry of State OF Texas is General Government, Not Elsewhere Classified
State OF Texas Industry Data:
Industry of State of Texas: State of Texas operates in the Executive and Legislature industry, which falls under SIC Code 9199. This industry includes companies that focus on general government operations at the executive and legislative levels. These businesses typically handle governance, policy-making, and administration for regional and state authorities, working on a large scale to ensure the management and implementation of governmental services across the state.
Industry Statistics By Sic Code
State OF Texas is operating in Sic Code:
General Government, Not Elsewhere Classified (9199) - Representation of companies operating in North America and Usa
0.18% of companies worldwide
0.04% of companies in USA
There are 611842 companies operating in this industry worldwide.
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State OF Texas owns 433 companies Worldwide
Number of companies owned by State of Texas
State of Texas established ownership in 1845 and is an integral part of an expansive corporate family, connecting it to over 4,734 entities worldwide. As a pivotal global player, the State of Texas enhances its influence across various sectors, underpinning its significant role on the international stage. Registered as a legal entity, its extensive network amplifies its reach, reinforcing a robust global presence and dynamic impact. The ownership structure of the State of Texas comprises various divisions and subsidiaries, all contributing to its overarching mission of governance and service. This interconnected framework highlights its commitment to effective administration and leadership. With its headquarters located in Austin, Texas, the State of Texas operates under the leadership of the Governor, solidifying its authoritative stance in general government. The ownership State of Texas is a testament to its longstanding history and pivotal role in the public administration sector, making it a noteworthy entity in both national and international arenas.
Among the companies owned by State of Texas are: Judiciary Courts of The State of Texas, located in Houston, USA Comptroller of Public Accounts, Texas, located in Tyler, USA Comptroller of Public Accounts, Texas, located in Tyler, USA.
Company Type
State OF Texas is registered as
44.10% of companies
55.69% of companies in USA
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State of Texas has a CEO registered at the official local trade register in USA. Within State of Texas, there is an extensive network of over 144,175 contacts, including senior managers, CIOs, CFOs, and HR leaders, with high-quality, verified contact information.
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