Companies in Colchester

Buy a 100% complete list of companies in Colchester and scale your business in UK

Scale your company into the local UK regions with our accurate and complete list of companies in Colchester. BoldData delivers custom-made lists from our database of all 21.060 companies in Colchester of the highest dataquality. From the largest companies in Colchester such as Jardine Motors Group, Ford Retail, and Lancaster Motor Company. To a list of all small businesses in Colchester. Take a look here if you need a bulk database of all 6 million+ companies in UK.

Top 10 companies in Colchester based on revenue


Reach all companies in Colchester with accurate data

The total amount of companies in Colchester is 21.060. 17.736 of all companies in Colchester are small businesses with 0 to 5 employees (84%). 2.957 companies in Colchester are medium sized businesses with 5 – 50 employees. There are 367 top companies in Colchester with at least 50 employees. Colchester is located in the Essex of England and has a total population of 134.176 residents. Do you need a list of residents/consumers in Colchester or The United Kingdom? Have a look here.

Let our data experts select your target group in Colchester based on a large number of characteristics: from region to turnover, sector and the number of employees. Discover our breakdown of the largest industries in Colchester below and request a quote and sample via the contact form. Are you looking for a different region, city or country? No problem: we can help you worldwide with company lists in all countries and cities.

Buy GDPR Proof Companies in Colchester in Excel

We guarantee the most extensive and precise list of Companies in Colchester in the market. All the Companies in Colchester we supply can be selected on country, employees and industry. Discover the possibilities in the overview below and request a quote by filling in the contact form.


List of Top 25 industries in Colchester

Business services, nec1634
Nonclassifiable establishments1317
Real estate agents and managers798
Management consulting services791
Eating places719
Subdividers and developers, nec675
Real property lessors, nec643
Computer related services, nec631
Schools and educational services, nec549
Miscellaneous personal service542
Health and allied services, nec496
Special trade contractors, nec477
Individual and family services447
Amusement and recreation, nec412
Beauty shops367
General automotive repair shops355
Residential construction, nec349
Plumbing, heating, air-conditioning329
Miscellaneous retail stores, nec313
Engineering services307
Residential care294
Electrical work286
Offices and clinics of medical doctors281
Drinking places255
Holding companies, nec249
Example is for reviewing purpose only

Free analysis of all companies in Colchester

Download a free market analysis of all companies in Colchester. Here you can view breakdowns by industry, employee size and revenue of all companies in Colchester. Do you want to publish / use this analysis online? Then please publish a link to our website and ask permission from our marketing department via +31 (0) 20 705 2360. If desired, we can provide an up-to-date customized analysis. Do you want to purchase data from companies in Colchester? With BoldData, companies in Colchester are within reach. Try out our data first. Request a FREE custom test list and put our data to the test. There are no obligations: add the contacts to your CRM and let our data work for you.

Frequently asked questions about this list of Companies in Colchester

We work with flexible pricing. The more addresses you buy, the less you pay. The price depends on the number of addresses and the address details needed. The minimum order amount is € 425,-. This equals approximately 1.000 up-to-date addresses. Buy more, get more discount! Check our prices here. Click on “Worldwide B2B Data” for the breakdown. Tell us your target group and we send you a free quote. Call +31(0)20 705 2360 or send an e-mail to

Do you want to place your order? Simply confirm your selection by replying to the e-mail. BoldData delivers the database (in Excel) within 24 hours by e-mail.

PS: we’re cheaper than local Chamber of Commerces.

We deliver custom-made companies lists in Excel for sales and marketing campaigns worldwide. Get started in just three simple steps:

1.      Tell us which industries you want to target in Colchester or UK

Our data experts take the time to understand your business, target group and campaign. Based on these insights we create a highly targeted business email list based on more than 1500 criteria from numerous German sources. From revenue and number of employees to industry type and job title.

2.       Receive a free count and quote

You receive a free quote and a detailed count of your UK company list within 24 hours. On request we can provide a free sample with a selection of 10 contacts. Based on your feedback we polish the companies list to perfection.

3.      Delivery list of companies in Colchester within 24 hours

Satisfied? Then we deliver the custom-made companies list in Excel within 24 hours.

After you’ve placed the order at one of our data-experts, you can choose one of the below online payment methods:

  • PayPal
  • Creditcard
  • SOFORT Banking
  • Bancontact
  • eps
  • Giropay
  • Przelewy24
  • KBC/CBC-Betaalknop
  • Belfius Pay Button
  • ING Home’Pay
  • iDEAL

We’re a worldwide data company with data experts in 100+ countries. That’s we’re always adding new (local) payment methods. So feel free to ask your preferred way of making payments. We also accept regular banktransfers to IBAN: NL82INGB0006175892 and BIC INGBNL2A.

We like to keep it simple. We charge a fixed amount per address (contact dataset*). For this price you receive all the contact information available. From postal address to phone number and e-mail address.

BoldData can guarantee a 100% complete list of all Companies in Birmingham. We can deliver the following communication data:

Data attributes from list of companies in Colchester
  • List of companies in Colchester with Name CEO
  • List of companies in Colchester with Contact information
  • List of companies in Colchester with Phone or Mobile
  • List of companies in Colchester Has Website or Email
  • List of companies in Colchester with International Code
  • Logo or Photo
  • UniqueID
  • CompanyNames
  • TradeName
  • Address1
  • Address2
  • AddressStreet
  • AddressHouseNumber
  • PostCode
  • City
  • Province
  • Country
  • Language
  • Phone
  • Fax
  • Mobile
  • Website
  • Email
  • NationalID
  • Longitude
  • Latitude
  • GeoLevel
  • GeoConfidence
  • AlternativePhone
  • TollFreeNumber
  • Description List of companies in Colchester
  • FacebookURL
  • TwitterURL
  • LinkedInURL
  • YouTubeURL
  • Logo List of companies in Colchester
  • Keywords
  • YearFounded List of companies in Colchester
  • List of companies in Colchester with OpeningHours
  • List of companies in Colchester Monday opening hour
  • List of companies in Colchester Monday opening hour Monday closing hour
  • List of companies in Colchester Monday opening hour Tuesday opening hour
  • List of companies in Colchester Monday opening hour Tuesday closing hour
  • List of companies in Colchester Monday opening hour Wednesday opening hour
  • List of companies in Colchester Monday opening hour Wednesday closing hour
  • List of companies in Colchester Monday opening hour Thursday opening hour
  • List of companies in Colchester Monday opening hour Thursday closing hour
  • Friday opening hour
  • Friday closing hour
  • Saturday opening hour
  • Saturday closing hour
  • Sunday opening hour
  • Sunday closing hour
  • PaymentTypes
  • SourceLongitude
  • SourceLatitude

Need other information? Contact us!

Need other information? Contact us!

This a DDMA accreditated, premium companies list which is continuously updated by various sources such as the local Chamber of Commerce, companies House, Thomson Directory and Yell.

Companies House holds all Limited companies, specifically Company Name, Registered Number, Registered Office, Balance Sheet, and Profit & Loss information, Directors’ data, Shareholder records and Mortgage information. Each month hundreds of thousands of Companies House updates are processed by BoldData to be used by its credit and marketing databases. Many hundreds of system validations take place to ensure data accuracy. There is an ongoing Data Quality program where accuracy is reviewed and improvements made where required.

Thomson Directory holds all Directory data with trading address information, additional contact names, and information about the trade conducted at the location, as well as telephone number information. Updates are received each month and these relate to new, deleted or amended records. Thomson send approximately 275k monthly updates to BoldData for use in both the B2B Marketing and Credit areas of the business. Occasionally when a major change on their file takes place then a ‘full’ refresh of their data is received totaling just over 2 million records.

Yell: Yell Data currently provides access to more than 2 million UK business records for targeted direct mailing and telemarketing campaigns. The combination of Thomson and Yell data positions BoldData’s database as the most comprehensive business information database for B2B direct marketing in the UK. BoldData receives a monthly file from Yell which includes u to 200k records, containing similar data elements to that of the Thomson data.

Aside from the above three sources of data that feed BoldData UK Database, the following are also used:

  •  Credit and Risk Data: received from D&B
  •  CCJ Data: received from the Registry’s Trust who obtain it directly from the courts.
  •  National Canvasse/Editorial Electoral Roll: helps identification of Small- and Home Office records.
  •  Direct Marketing Association: Files from the preference services that are used to suppress non-marketable data.
  •  Mortgage Data: information on mortgages and charges lodged and receiverships appointed.
  •  Directors Service Address Information: obtained from Annual Returns from Companies House

At BoldData, we’re working around the clock to keep our data updates and verified at the highest levels in the data-industry. All our lists have been checked on an ongoing basis. Nevertheless keep in mind that in the world today, people are constantly changing jobs and/or positions, and companies may move and change their telephone numbers, names, websites, or email addresses. Therefore it is impossible to reach 100% accuracy. Keep in mind a small error rate with our custom lists.

The overview displays just a part of the possibilities. However, we offer you access to quality data of more than 1.700 different target groups in 100 countries. It’s very likely that we can deliver a mailing list that targets the best prospects for your product or service. Contact us via +31(0)20 705 2360 or send an e-mail to to discover the possibilities. We are here to help.

Do you want to get started with our companies list in Colchester?

Tell us your target group and we send you a free quote. Call +31(0)20 705 2360 or send an e-mail to Do you want to place your order? Simply confirm your selection by replying to the e-mail. BoldData delivers the custom-made database (in Excel) within 24 hours by e-mail.

Other Questions or are you looking for a other city or country? Our data experts are specialized in supervising international campaigns. We have specific direct marketing knowledge per country and have highly accurate data of 300 million companies in 100+ countries. Contact us for free tailor-made advice and an independent quote. Please call +31(0)20 705 2360 or send an e-mail to

You’ll be in good company

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+31(0)20 705 2360