SIC code schools: 8211 Elementary and Secondary Schools
Elementary and secondary schools furnishing academic courses, ordinarily for kindergarten through grade 12. Included in this industry are parochial schools and military academies furnishing academic courses for kindergarten through grade 12, and secondary schools which furnish both academic and technical courses.
- Academies, elementary and secondary schools
- Boarding schools
- Finishing schools, secondary
- High schools
- Kindergartens
- Military academies elementary and secondary level
- Parochial schools, elementary and secondary
- Preparatory schools
- Schools for the physically handicapped, elementary and secondary
- Schools for the disabled
- Schools, elementary and secondary
- Seminaries, below university grade
- Vocational high schools
SIC code schools: 8221 Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools
Colleges, universities, and professional schools furnishing academic courses and granting academic degrees. The requirement for admission is at least a high school diploma or equivalent general academic training.
- Colleges except junior
- Professional schools: eg dental engineering law medical
- Seminaries theological
- Service academies (college)
- Theological seminaries
- Universities
SIC code schools: 8222 Junior Colleges and Technical Institutes
Junior colleges and technical institutes furnishing academic, or academic and technical, courses and granting associate academic degrees, certificates, or diplomas. The requirement for admission is at least a high school diploma or equivalent general academic training. Schools having junior college grades in conjunction with secondary grades are classified in Industry 8211.
- Community colleges (junior)
- Junior colleges
- Technical institutes
SIC code schools: 8231 Libraries
Establishments primarily engaged in providing library services, including the circulation of books and other materials for reading, study, and reference. Establishments primarily engaged in operating motion picture film libraries are classified in Industry 7829.
- Centers for documentation
- Circulating libraries
- Lending libraries
- Libraries, printed matter
- Rental of books
SIC code schools: 8243 Data Processing Schools
Establishments primarily engaged in offering data processing courses or training in computer programming and in computer and computer peripheral equipment operation, maintenance, and repair. Schools offering an academic degree in computer sciences are classified in Industry Group 822.
- Computer operator training
- Computer repair training
- Computer software training
- Data processing schools
SIC code schools: 8244 Business and Secretarial Schools
Establishments primarily engaged in offering courses in business machine operation, office procedures, and secretarial and stenographic skills. Schools offering academic degrees are classified in Industry Groups 821 and 822.
- Business colleges and schools, not of college grade
- Court reporting schools
- Secretarial schools
SIC code schools: 8249 Vocational Schools, Not Elsewhere Classified
Establishments primarily engaged in offering specialized vocational courses, not elsewhere classified. Also included in this industry are establishments primarily engaged in furnishing educational courses by mail. Offices maintained by such schools for the sale of correspondence courses are included. Beauty schools are classified in Industry 7231, and barber schools are classified in Industry 7241. Establishments primarily engaged in offering flying instruction are classified in Industry 8299. Schools offering academic degrees are classified in Industry Groups 821 and 822.
- Aviation schools, excluding flying instruction
- Banking schools (training in banking)
- Commercial art schools
- Construction equipment operation schools
- Correspondence schools, including branch offices and solicitors
- Nursing schools, practical
- Real estate schools
- Restaurant operation schools
- Trade schools
- Truck driving schools
- Vocational apprenticeship training
- Vocational schools: except high schools, data processing, or business
SIC code schools: 8299 Schools and Educational Services, Not Elsewhere Classified
Establishments primarily engaged in offering educational courses and services, not elsewhere classified. Included in this industry are music schools, drama schools, language schools, short-term examination preparatory schools, student exchange programs, curriculum development, and vocational counseling, except rehabilitation counseling. Establishments primarily engaged in operating dance schools are classified in Industry 7911, and those providing rehabilitation counseling are classified in Industry 8331.
- Art schools, except commercial
- Automobile driving instruction
- Baton instruction
- Bible schools, not operated by churches
- Ceramics schools
- Charm schools
- Civil service schools
- Continuing education programs
- Cooking schools
- Curriculum development, educational
- Diction schools
- Drama schools
- Finishing schools, charm and modeling
- Flying instruction
- Hypnosis schools
- Language schools
- Modeling schools, clothes
- Music schools
- Personal development schools
- Public speaking schools
- Reading schools
- Speed reading courses
- Student exchange programs
- Survival schools
- Tutoring
- Vocational counseling, except rehabilitation counseling