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Find sales leads with a 100% complete business-to-business (B2B) SIC code list of Auto Repair companies. The official SIC code for Auto Repair is SIC Code 75 – Auto Repair services! BoldData delivers a custom made SIC code Auto Repair companies list with a total of 1.826.552 highly accurate addresses of Auto Repair companies worldwide. SIC 75 code is the official Standard Industrial Classification which contains all SIC code Auto Repair companies worldwide in one comprehensive Excel list. Using this Auto Repair SIC code list is the most efficient way to scale your marketing efforts globally.
SIC code 75 is the major group which includes establishments primarily engaged in furnishing automotive repair, rental, leasing, and parking services to the general public. Tell us your criteria via the contact form and our data experts will send you a custom made quote. No matter what industry you are in or what product you are offering, we deliver a highly accurate list of companies in SIC code 75 for your campaign. We can select your ideal target in our Auto Repairs SIC directory based on a large number of criteria: from a specific region and turnover to industry type and number of employees and subcategories. We take care of everything for you! Discover the possibilities in the overview below and request a quote by filling in the contact form.
Countries & subcategories SIC Code auto repair
SIC code auto repair in Argentina
Australia SIC code auto repair database
SIC code list auto repair in Belgium
SIC code database auto repair in Brazil
SIC code auto repair in Canada
Colombia SIC code auto repair database
Czech Republic SIC code auto repair directory
SIC code auto repair in France
SIC code auto repair list in Germany
Italy SIC code auto repair list
SIC code 75 auto repair in Mexico
SIC code list auto repair in Netherlands
SIC code 75 in Peru
Poland SIC code auto repair database
Russia SIC code 75 auto repair database
SIC code auto repair list in Slovakia
SIC code auto repair in Spain
Sweden SIC code auto repair database
SIC code auto repair list in United Kingdom
SIC code auto repair in United States of America
SIC code database auto repair in Vietnam
SIC code auto repair in 50+ other countries available
SIC code auto repair:7513 Truck Rental and Leasing, Without Drivers
Establishments primarily engaged in short-term rental or extended-term leasing (with or without maintenance) of trucks, truck tractors, or semitrailers without drivers. Establishments primarily engaged in finance leasing of trucks are classified in Finance, Industry 6159; those renting trucks with drivers are classified in Transportation, Industry Group 421; and those primarily engaged in renting and leasing, except finance leasing, of industrial trucks are classified in Industry 7359.
Truck leasing, except industrial trucks and finance leasing: without
Truck rental, except industrial: without drivers
SIC auto repair: 7514 Passenger Car Rental
Establishments primarily engaged in short-term rental of passenger cars without drivers.
Automobile rental, without drivers
Hearse rental, without drivers
Limousine rental, without drivers
Passenger car rental, without drivers
SIC code auto repair: 7515 Passenger Car Leasing
Establishments primarily engaged in extended-term leasing of passenger cars without drivers. Establishments primarily engaged in finance leasing of automobiles are classified in Finance, Industry 6159.
Automobile leasing, except finance leasing: without drivers
Passenger car leasing, except finance leasing: without drivers
SIC auto repair: 7519 Utility Trailer and Recreational Vehicle Rental
Establishments primarily engaged in daily or extended-term rental of utility trailers and recreational vehicles. Establishments primarily engaged in renting motorcycles, bicycles, golf carts, gocarts, or recreational boats are classified in Industry 7999; and those engaged in renting airplanes are classified in Industry 7359. Establishments primarily engaged in the rental of mobile homes on site are classified in Real Estate, Industry 6515.
Mobile home rental, except on site Motor home rental
Popup camper rental
Trailer rental
Utility trailer rental
SIC code auto repair: 7521 Automobile Parking
7521 Automobile ParkingEstablishments primarily engaged in the temporary parking of automobiles, usually on an hourly, daily, or monthly contract or fee basis. Establishments primarily engaged in extended or dead storage of automobiles are classified in Transportation, Industry 4226.
Garages, automobile parking
Parking lots
Parking structures
Tow-in parking lots
SIC auto repair: 7532 Top, Body, and Upholstery Repair Shops and Paint Shops
Establishments primarily engaged in the repair of automotive tops, bodies, and interiors, or automotive painting and refinishing. Also included in this industry are establishments primarily engaged in customizing automobiles, trucks, and vans except on a factory basis. Establishments primarily engaged in customizing automobiles, trucks, and vans on a factory basis are classified in Manufacturing, Industry Group 371.
Antique and classic automobile restoration
Automotive body shops
Automotive interior shops
Automotive paint shops
Automotive tops (canvas or plastic), installation, repair, or sales and
Automotive trim shops
Bump shops (automotive repair)
Collision shops, automotive
Customizing automobiles, trucks or vans: except on a factory basis
Upholstery repair, automotive
Van conversions, except on a factory basis
SIC code auto repair: 7533 Automotive Exhaust System Repair Shops
Establishments primarily engaged in the installation, repair, or sale and installation of automotive exhaust systems. The sale of mufflers, tail pipes, and catalytic converters is considered to be incidental to the installation of these products.
Catalytic converters, automotive: installation, repair, or sales and
Exhaust system services, automotive
Mufflers, automotive: installation, repair, or sales and installation
SIC code auto repair: 7538 General Automotive Repair Shops
Establishments primarily engaged in general automotive repair. Establishments primarily engaged in industrial truck repair are classified in Industry 7699.
Automotive repair shops, general
Diesel engine repair, automotive
Engine repair, automotive
Engine repair, truck: except industrial
Garages, general automotive repair and service
Motor repair, automotive
Truck engine repair, except industrial
SIC code auto repair: 7549 Automotive Services, Except Repair and Carwashes
Establishments primarily engaged in furnishing automotive services, except repair and carwashes. Establishments primarily providing automobile driving instructions are classified in Industry 8299.
Auto emissions testing, without repairs
Diagnostic centers, automotive
Emissions testing service, automotive: without repair
Garages, do-it-yourself
Inspection service, automotive
Lubricating service, automotive
Road service, automotive
Rust-proofing service, automotive
Towing service, automotive
Undercoating service, automotive
Window tinting, automotive
Wrecker service (towing), automotive
Frequently asked questions about this SIC code list of auto repair companies
The price depends on the number of addresses and the address details needed. The minimum order amount is € 425,-. This equals 1.000 up-to-date addresses. Tell us your target country and criteria and we send you a free quote. Call +31(0)20 705 2360 or send an e-mail to
Do you want to place your order? Simply confirm your selection by replying to the e-mail. BoldData delivers the database (in Excel) within 24 hours by e-mail.
Tell us your target group via the request form or by phone. Based on your input we create the database that perfectly matches your target group and objectives. Subsequently we send you a free quote, including the number or addresses, within one day.
Do you want to place your order? Simply confirm your selection by replying to the e-mail. BoldData delivers the addresses (in Excel) within 24 hours by mail.
We offer you access to quality data of more than 1500 NACE codes and 5.000 other categories in 100+ countries. It’s very likely that we can deliver a mailing list that targets the best prospects for your product or service. Contact us via +31(0)20 705 2360 or send an e-mail to to discover the possibilities. We are here to help.
SIC code auto repair 7536 Automotive Glass Replacement Shops
Establishments primarily engaged in the installation, repair, or sales and installation of automotive glass. The sale of the glass is considered incidental to the replacement.
Glass replacement and repair, automotive
SIC code auto repair 7537 Automotive Transmission Repair Shops
7537 Automotive Transmission Repair ShopsEstablishments primarily engaged in the installation, repair, or sales and installation of automotive transmissions. The sale of transmissions and related parts is considered incidental to the installation or repair of these products.
Automatic transmission repair, automotive
Transmission repair, automotive
Transmission, automotive: installation, repair, or sale and installation
7539 Automotive Repair Shops, Not Elsewhere Classified
Establishments primarily engaged in specialized automotive repair, not elsewhere classified, such as fuel service (carburetor repair), brake relining, front-end and wheel alignment, and radiator repair. Establishments primarily engaged in automotive welding are classified in Industry 7692.
Air-conditioner repair, automotive
Automotive springs, rebuilding and repair
Axle straightening, automotive
Brake linings, sale and installation
Brake repairing, automotive
Carburetor repair
Electrical service, automotive (battery and ignition repair)
Frame repair shops, automotive
Front end repair, automotive
Fuel system conversion, automotive
Fuel system repair, automotive
Generator and starter repair, automotive
Radiator repair shops, automotive
Wheel alignment, automotive
7542 Carwashes
Establishments primarily engaged in washing, waxing, and polishing motor vehicles, or in furnishing facilities for the self-service washing of motor vehicles.
Bus washing
Cleaning and polishing (detailing) new autos for dealers on a
Detailing (cleaning and polishing) new autos for dealers on a
Laundries, automotive
Truck washing
Washing and polishing, automotive
Waxing and polishing, automotive
Yes, we can help with quality data of more than 1.500 different SIC codes. And also have 5.000 other categories in 100+ countries. It’s very likely that we can deliver a mailing list that targets the best prospects for your product or service. Contact us via +31(0)20 705 2360 or send an e-mail to to discover the possibilities. We are here to help.
We can select the following address details for you:
SIC Code Auto Repair – with headquarters 5452052
SIC Code Auto Repair – with phone numbers 4524583
SIC Code Auto Repair – with e-mail addresses 3894235
SIC Code Auto Repair – with websites 3787612
SIC Code Auto Repair – with fax numbers 2452478
SIC Code Auto Repair – with e-mail addresses 1745537
SIC Code Auto Repair – with branche offices 187720
SIC Code Auto Repair – with exporting companies 127122
SIC Code Auto Repair – with importing and exporting companies 31699
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Every single contact from our Worldwide SIC database with 300 million+ companies comes directly from local sources that are GDPR proof and that are standardized by the official Standard Industrial Classification. These sources include chamber of commerces, market surveys, business listings, directories, magazines, public records, websites, conferences, telephone directories, publishers, social media and commercial partnerships. All our SIC company data is verified by automated processes and human eyes on a ongoing basis. It’s never been easier to buy an email list of good information that will help you make real connections! Zero in on your target audience and email leads with these databases to make more deals and boost your sales. Ask us for a quote!
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Sample Company Data Snapshot
Optional description here.
Company Name
H & M Hennes & Mauritz Oy
Trade Name
H & M
Vaihdekatu 1
Street 2
ZIP Code
State/Province Name
Mailing Address
Aleksanterinkatu 48B
Mailing Address ZIP
Mailing Address City
Mailing Address Country
National ID
Founding Year
Annual Sales Local
Local Turnover Currency
Annual Sales in US Dollars 2023
Annual Sales in US Dollars 2022
Annual Sales in US Dollars 2021
Annual Sales in US Dollars 2020
Annual Sales in US Dollars 2019
Report Date
Employees Here
Employees Total
Import and Export Indicator
Import and Export
Company Type
Is Subsidiary
Headquarter Business Name
H & M Hennes & Mauritz Gbc AB
Headquarter Street Address
Mäster Samuelsgatan 46A
Headquarter Postal Code
111 57
Headquarter City
Headquarter State/Province
Headquarter State/Province Abbreviation
Headquarter Country Name
Local Headquarter Business Name
H & M Hennes & Mauritz Oy
Local Headquarter Street Address
Vaihdekatu 1
Local Headquarter Postal Code
Local Headquarter City Name
Local Headquarter State/Province Name
Local Headquarter State Abbreviation
Local Headquarter Country Name
Global Headquarter Indicator
Global Headquarter Name
Ramsbury Invest AB
Global Headquarter Street Address
Drottninggatan 50
Global Headquarter Postal Code
111 21
Global Headquarter City Name
Global Headquarter State/Province
Global Headquarter Country Name
Number of Entities in Group
US 1987 SIC 1
[5699] Miscellaneous apparel and accessories
Local Activity Name
Local Activity Code
H***** H********
Contact Job Title
Managing Director
Contact Email Address
Contact 2 Job Title
Contact 2 Gender
Contact 2 Initials
Contact 2 Last Name
Contact 2 Full Name
K***-**** P******
Contact 3 Job Title
Technical / Production
Contact 3 Gender
Contact 3 Initials
Contact 3 Last Name
Contact 3 Full Name
A*** H*******
Contact 4 Job Title
Human Resources
Contact 4 Gender
Contact 4 Initials
Contact 4 Last Name
Contact 4 Full Name
K***** M**********
Company Linkedin
SIC Code
Miscellaneous apparel and accessories
Ownership Type
Fiscal Year End
Franchise Status
8-Digit SIC Code
8-Digit SIC Description
Miscellaneous apparel and accessory stores
NACE Description
Retail sale of clothing in specialized stores
NAICS Description
Clothing Accessories Stores
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The technical storage or access is necessary for the legitimate purpose of storing preferences that are not requested by the subscriber or user.
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