Search beyond your network: 7 potential new customers for your agency

As an advertising or marketing agency, you know better than anyone how to reach the target group of your customers. But what about your own acquisition? Many agencies still find their customers in the old-fashioned way: via their network and word-of-mouth advertising. Nothing wrong with that, but you also miss out on opportunities. Because outside your own network there are many other great opportunities. You just have to know where. BoldData helps you with 7 smart ways to identify potential customers for your agency. With our customized mailing list you can approach these potential target groups in a very targeted way.

Companies with a Google Analytics account

Companies with a Google Analytics account are an interesting target group for your agency. These companies are in fact busy with monitoring traffic on their website. The chances are that they also advertise online via Adwords, for example. Are you specialized in search engine marketing or making online content? Then this is an interesting target group to approach with an e-mail campaign.

Companies with a new marketing manager

If a company hires a new marketing manager, this often means a change of the advertising or marketing agency the company works with. So keep a close eye on your own contacts. You can do this yourself by monitoring your LinkedIn contacts. But a smarter solution is to link your CRM system to LinkedIn. As soon as there is a change of one person from your network, you will receive a notification. A CRM system with these so-called ‘triggers’ is Insightly.

Of course thousands of new marketers also get started every day at companies that you do not know yet. BoldData can select companies for you that have recently hired a new marketing manager.

Growing companies

Sounds logical, but is often forgotten. It is likely that if a company grows in the number of employees and turnover, there is budget for marketing. BoldData can select companies that have achieved strong growth in the past year. From retailers to car companies. Trigger these companies to use your services with a striking direct mail.

Companies abroad

Many agencies fish in the same pond by searching for new customers in the Netherlands alone. That is a shame, because Europe has more than 400,000 large companies with a marketing department. An interesting target group for Dutch agencies. We have an advantage because everyone in the Netherlands speaks and writes English. Another nice benefit, the budgets of international campaigns are larger and more extended. Search for new customers in another country, BoldData can deliver files from marketing managers at companies throughout Europe.

Companies with outstanding marketing vacancies

If companies have open vacancies which are marketing related, they are prepared to invest in their marketing department. In short: a perfect lead for your office! You can of course look at the website for vacancies. But BoldData can also make selections of companies that have vacancies open – from ‘digital marketing manager’ to ‘SEA specialist’ – on the basis of week, month, region, number of employees, sector and turnover.

Say “No”

Marketing campaigns to find new customers require a substantial investment. Be sensible and exclude companies with a high risk profile. These are companies that have requested a postponement of payment, have made a restart or are known for poor payment experiences. BoldData can exclude bad paying companies from your selection.

Look a likes

Agencies are often good at serving companies from a certain sector. For example, in the Industry, Automotive or Retail. In order to find new customers in these sectors, it is interesting to know in which exact sector code and company size your current customers are. Often in this branch code are the companies that you as an agency are so skilled to deal with. The so-called look-a-likes.

Want start looking beyond your own network?

Want to know more? BoldData provides access to more than 1,000 (inter) national mailing lists for direct mail, e-mail and telemarketing campaigns. We have more than 10 years of experience in guiding direct marketing campaigns in Europe and even worldwide. And therefore we know exactly what works and what does not. Want to know more? Call +31 (0) 20 705 2360 or send an e-mail to We are ready to answer your questions