Hairdressers Mailing List

Grow your connection with hairdressers

Grow your connection with hairdressers with our premium database of 726.178 Hairdressers. Customized by our data-experts to your needs and ready within 24 hours.

Use data you can trust. Our hairdresser mailing list is verified by automated processes and human eyes on a weekly basis. We’re so confident about our contact lists that we provide a 95% accuracy guarantee on b2b emails. Our extensive mailing list of hairdressers is available to buy today.

Buy GDPR Proof Hairdressers Mailing list in Excel

We guarantee the most extensive and precise list of Hairdressers Mailing list in the market. All the Hairdressers Mailing list we supply can be selected on country, employees and industry. Discover the possibilities in the overview below and request a quote by filling in the contact form.


Hairdressers Mailing List

Mailing list Hairdressers North America1226801
Mailing list Hairdressers South America204467
Mailing list Hairdressers Asia122680
Mailing list Hairdressers Europe245360
Mailing list Hairdressers Middle East40893
Mailing list Hairdressers Australia81787
Mailing list Hairdressers Africa102233
Mailing list Hairdressers Russia10223
Mailing list Hairdressers United States1022335
Mailing list Hairdressers UK204467
Mailing list Hairdressers in 200+ countriesAsk a quote!
  • 726.178 Hairdressers addresses worldwide verified weekly
  • We guarantee over 95% email deliverability
  • We deliver a dataset: emails, names, phone numbers, postal addresses, job titles, revenue, and number of employees
  • Our customers rate us 8.7 out of 10

Frequently asked questions about our Hairdressers database

Our transparent, affordable pricing provides you with the tools you need to succeed at professional marketing and sales campaigns. Our human-verified mailing lists are available from a minimum price of € 750,- . This equals approximately 2.000 up-to-date addresses. The more you buy, the more discount you get. Download our price list here.

Just Tell us your target and we send you a free quote. Call +31(0)20 705 2360 or send an e-mail to Ready to order the mailing list? Simply confirm the proposal. And we’ll deliver your e-mail list within 24 hours (in Excel).

We build custom mailing lists based on your companies target group. Tell us which countries and what you need via the contact form or talk to one of our data-experts by phone on +31(0)20 705 2360. We’ll send you a free quote, including the number or addresses, within one day.

Ready to order the mailing list? Simply confirm the proposal. And we’ll deliver your e-mail list within 24 hours (in Excel).

A dataset contains the following information:

  • Company name and postal address
  • Phone number
  • Activity / sector / Industry
  • Number of employees
  • Turnover (yearly)
  • Founding year
  • Direct/personal e-mail address
  • Name of contact
  • Job title/function
  • Website/url

At BoldData, we’re devoted to making sure that you have as less bounces as possible. All our databases are monitored and checked daily. However, with e-mail addresses you have to keep in mind a bounce rate of 5%. The reason for this is that in the world today, people are constantly changing jobs and/or positions. Moreover, companies may move and change their telephone numbers, names, websites or email addresses. Therefore it is impossible to reach 100% accuracy with e-mail addresses. Phone numbers, postal addresses and other data is also updated against highest accuracy rates possible. Nevertheless keep in mind that the quality might be different based on the local demographics

Since the entry of the GDPR in Europe there is a lot of change in terms of data editing and updating of data. In this matter all our data sources are GDPR compliant.

BoldData uses legitimate interest as the legal ground for our data processing, we always secure this by performing a balancing assessment, that verifies and balances our interest to process the data versus the individual’s right to privacy. In general terms, this is what the balancing assessment consist of:

  • A description of BoldData’s legitimate interest and an evaluation if the data processing is necessary and proportional for the purpose we have.
  • The impact on the individuals and if they reasonable expect what will happen to their data, as well as how sensitive data is, how much data is used and how it is processed;
  • Additional safeguards we have put in place which could limit the impact on the individuals, such a data minimization, privacy enhancing technologies; increased transparency, the right to opt-out, and data portability.

The record of the balancing assessment is saved, so that we can demonstrate the considerations we have made. When doing the balancing assessment, we require that all requirements for the individuals’ rights are fulfilled. We also undertake technical and organizational measures to secure the individuals data.

Last but not least it’s important to know that with the entry of the GDPR in 2018 nothing has changed about the legislation regarding direct marketing. This law might be different in each country.

Please contact us for tailor-made advice or more information about privacy laws via +31(0)20 705 2360 of We’re here to help!

BoldData is the European market leader in providing custom made global business information. BoldData’s data services are based on the largest B-to-B database of any kind in the world, providing business information to more than 300 million companies in over 240 countries. Our database is a DDMA and GDPR compliant database which is continuously updated by thousands of sources such as the local Chamber of Commerces, European Union, Municipal Population Distribution Facility, Central Insolvency Register for receiverships and bankruptcies, Central Statistics Office, Market Reports, News and press releases, Publishers, Branch Organizations, Internet and deep web (Big Data). We also collect data from annual reports, telephone interviews, web research, Companies Houses and public filings /stock exchanges.

Want to get started with Hairdressers email list?

Contact our data experts! Based on your input our data experts send you a free quote for your custom made mailing list within 24 hours. Satisfied? Then we deliver the custom mailing list in Excel. And you can start connecting directly with the right hairdressers.

Request sample 10 free records
+31(0)20 705 2360