Ter Steege Indië Almelo B.V.
Company Profile
Ter Steege Indië Almelo B.V. is located at Reggesingel 32, Rijssen, OVERIJSSEL, NETHERLANDS. Operating in the Holding company industry, the company is registered as a corporation under the company number 06017805.
Ter Steege Indië Almelo B.V.
Reggesingel 32 , 7461 AK, Rijssen
Holding company
Ter Steege Indië Almelo B.V.
Reggesingel 32 , 7461 AK, Rijssen
Holding company
The revenue of Ter Steege Indië Almelo B.V. is $356 thousand
Ter Steege Indië Almelo B.V.: Revenue from 2017 to 2024
Revenue of Ter Steege Indië Almelo B.V.: This data presents the revenue of Ter Steege Indië Almelo B.V. from 2009 to 2009. In the fiscal year 2009, Ter Steege Indië Almelo B.V. recorded a revenue of $262,579.2, showcasing its financial growth over recent years.
Revenue per year in USD ($)
Top 5 companies in revenue in Offices of Holding Companies, Not Elsewhere Classified Worldwide
Company name | Sales |
BP P.L.C. | $241.4 billion |
GLENCORE PLC | $256.0 billion |
AB INBEV HOLDINGS LIMITED | $116.0 billion |
VESTA TOPCO LIMITED | $117.4 billion |
The number of employees of Ter Steege Indië Almelo B.V. is 1-4
Ter Steege Indië Almelo B.V.: Employees from 2017 - 2024
Employees at Ter Steege Indië Almelo B.V.: Ter Steege Indië Almelo B.V. now employs a substantial workforce, reflecting the company’s significant presence.
Number of employees from 2017 to 2024
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The Industry of Ter Steege Indië Almelo B.V. is Offices of Holding Companies, Not Elsewhere Classified
Ter Steege Indië Almelo B.V. Industry Data:
Industry of Ter Steege Indië Almelo B.V.: Ter Steege Indië Almelo B.V. operates in the Holding company industry, which falls under SIC Code 6719
Industry Statistics By Sic Code
Ter Steege Indië Almelo B.V. is operating in Sic Code:
Offices of Holding Companies, Not Elsewhere Classified (6719) - Representation of companies operating in Europe and Netherlands
0.76% of companies worldwide
13.95% of companies in NETHERLANDS
There are 2641828 companies operating in this industry worldwide.
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Ter Steege Indië Almelo B.V. is owned by Stichting Administratiekantoor Imago, which owns 33 companies Worldwide
Among the companies owned by Stichting Administratiekantoor Imago are: Ter Steege Vastgoed Tiel B.V., located in Rijssen, NETHERLANDS Ter Steege Vastgoed Rijssen B.V., located in Rijssen, NETHERLANDS Ter Steege Indië Almelo B.V., located in Rijssen, NETHERLANDS.
Company Type
Ter Steege Indië Almelo B.V. is registered as
44.11% of companies
32.03% of companies in NETHERLANDS
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Ter Steege Indië Almelo B.V. operates with a small team and has no CEO registered at the official local trade register in NETHERLANDS. This compact team offers direct access to primary contacts, ensuring efficient communication with verified contact details.
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