Sylvestre Property Management, INC.
Company Profile
Sylvestre Property Management, Inc. is located at Street 56b22423, Brooklyn, New York, USA. Operating in the real estate industry, the company specializes in real estate agent and management services, identified by SIC Code 6531. Registered as a corporation under the company number 234243225.
Sylvestre Property Management, INC.
823 Saratoga Ave Unit 1 , 112124443, Brooklyn
Real estate agent/manager
Sylvestre Property Management, INC.
823 Saratoga Ave Unit 1 , 112124443, Brooklyn
Real estate agent/manager
The revenue of Sylvestre Property Management, INC. is $166.9 billion
Sylvestre Property Management, INC.: Revenue from 2017 to 2024
Revenue of Sylvestre Property Management, Inc.: This data presents the revenue of Sylvestre Property Management, Inc. from 2017 to 2023. In the fiscal year 2023/2024, Sylvestre Property Management, Inc. recorded a revenue of $166.9 billion, showcasing its financial growth over recent years. As a prominent player in the real estate industry, located in Brooklyn, New York, Sylvestre Property Management, Inc. operates under the SIC code 6531, focusing on real estate management and agent services. The company's consistent revenue growth highlights its position within the competitive real estate market across North America.
Revenue per year in USD ($)
Top 5 companies in revenue in Real Estate Agents and Managers Worldwide
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Jones Lang Lasalle Incorporated | $20.8 billion |
Opendoor Technologies Inc. | $15.6 billion |
Sylvestre Property Management, Inc. | $166.9 billion |
HANNOVER RÜCK SE | $18.6 billion |
Accor Management Canada Inc | $8.9 billion |
The number of employees of Sylvestre Property Management, INC. is 1-4
Sylvestre Property Management, INC.: Employees from 2017 - 2024
Employees at Sylvestre Property Management, Inc.: Sylvestre Property Management, Inc. now employs 3 people, reflecting the company’s significant presence.
Number of employees from 2017 to 2024
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The Industry of Sylvestre Property Management, INC. is Real Estate Agents and Managers
Sylvestre Property Management, INC. Industry Data:
Industry of Sylvestre Property Management, Inc.: Sylvestre Property Management, Inc. operates in the Real Estate Agents and Managers industry, which falls under SIC Code 6531. This industry includes companies that manage and deal with real estate assets for various clients. These businesses typically provide services related to buying, selling, leasing, and managing residential and commercial properties. Located in Brooklyn, New York, Sylvestre Property Management, Inc. is part of North America's dynamic real estate sector.
Industry Statistics By Sic Code
Sylvestre Property Management, INC. is operating in Sic Code:
Real Estate Agents and Managers (6531) - Representation of companies operating in North America and Usa
1.90% of companies worldwide
2.06% of companies in USA
There are 6633583 companies operating in this industry worldwide.
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Sylvestre Property Management, INC. is solely 0 companies Worldwide
Ownership Sylvestre Property Management, Inc. began its journey with established ownership in 2021. As a distinguished entity in the real estate sector, it is registered as a corporation and is known for operating independently without a family structure or affiliation with additional companies. This autonomy allows Sylvestre Property Management, Inc. the flexibility to make swift decisions and implement unique strategies that cater specifically to their business goals. By avoiding the complexity of a corporate family, Sylvestre Property Management, Inc. is able to navigate the real estate landscape with agility, focusing entirely on delivering unparalleled property management services. Operating out of Brooklyn, New York, with a lean team of dedicated professionals, the company's independent status ensures that it maintains full control over its operations, driving innovation and efficiency in the competitive real estate market.
Company Type
Sylvestre Property Management, INC. is registered as
44.10% of companies
55.69% of companies in USA
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Sylvestre Property Management, Inc. operates with a small team, with a CEO registered at the official local trade register in USA. This compact team offers direct access to primary contacts and managers, including CIOs and HR managers, ensuring efficient communication with verified contact details.
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