Amgen INC.

Company Profile

Amgen Inc. is a renowned biotechnology company that focuses on discovering and developing innovative human therapeutics for serious diseases. With a commitment to advancing healthcare, Amgen is recognized as a leader in biotechnology innovation. Amgen Inc. is located at 1 Amgen Center Dr, Thousand Oaks, California, USA. Operating in the Biotechnology industry, SIC Code 2836. Registered as a corporation under the company number 39976196.

Company name
Company Name

Amgen INC.


1 Amgen Center Dr , 913201799, Thousand Oaks



Registration Number


Legal Type
Legal Type


Founding Year
Founding Year



Mfg biological products

Company name
Company Name

Amgen INC.


1 Amgen Center Dr , 913201799, Thousand Oaks



Registration Number


Legal Type
Legal Type


Founding Year
Founding Year



Mfg biological products

The revenue of Amgen INC. is $26.3 billion

Amgen INC.: Revenue from 2017 to 2024

Revenue of Amgen Inc.: This data presents the revenue of Amgen Inc. from 2017 to 2023. In the fiscal year 2023/2024, Amgen Inc. recorded a revenue of 26.3 billion dollars, showcasing its financial growth over recent years. Known for its innovations in biotechnology, Amgen specializes in the development, manufacturing, and marketing of biological products, with a strong emphasis on human therapeutics. As one of the leading biotechnology companies, Amgen focuses on delivering novel medicines that address serious illnesses, cementing its pivotal role in the health care industry. With a workforce of 25,200 employees, Amgen's operations span across California, USA, and its impact on the sector demonstrates significant advancements in biopharmaceuticals.

Revenue per year in USD ($)
Revenue data comes from trade registers; if unavailable, we use statistical models to project revenue.

Top 5 companies in revenue in Biological Products, Except Diagnostic Substances Worldwide

Company nameSales
Wyeth LLC
$1.1 billion
Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health USA Inc.
$952.4 million
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$2.0 billion
Amgen Inc.
$26.3 billion
Moderna, Inc.
$19.3 billion

The number of employees of Amgen INC. is 25000-49999

Amgen INC.: Employees from 2017 - 2024

Employees at Amgen Inc.: Amgen Inc. now employs 19,200 people, reflecting the company’s significant presence.

Number of employees from 2017 to 2024

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The Industry of Amgen INC. is Biological Products, Except Diagnostic Substances

Amgen INC. Industry Data:

Industry of Amgen Inc.: Amgen Inc. operates in the Biological Product (except Diagnostic) Manufacturing industry, which falls under SIC Code 2836. This industry consists of companies that focus on developing and manufacturing innovative biological products that are not used for diagnostic purposes. Businesses in this sector typically engage in producing human therapeutics to treat serious diseases, creating novel medicines across various therapeutic areas. These companies are instrumental in advancing medical treatments and biotechnology solutions globally.

Industry Statistics By Sic Code

Amgen INC. is operating in Sic Code:

2836 - Biological Products, Except Diagnostic Substances

Biological Products, Except Diagnostic Substances (2836) - Representation of companies operating in North America and Usa


0.01% of companies worldwide


0.01% of companies in USA

There are 30477 companies operating in this industry worldwide.

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Amgen INC. owns 14 companies Worldwide

Number of companies owned by Amgen Inc.

Amgen Inc. established ownership in 1980 and belongs to a substantial network with connections to 176 companies. Registered as a public corporation, this strong positioning enhances its industry impact, fostering growth and market engagement through its corporate family. As a leading biotechnology company, Amgen Inc. specializes in discovering, developing, and manufacturing innovative human therapeutics. Its significant network within the biological product manufacturing industry allows for collaborative growth and market expansion. The ownership of Amgen Inc. plays a critical role in driving the company’s success in the United States and globally, benefiting from its headquarters located in Thousand Oaks, California. The strategic ownership structure and corporate family of Amgen Inc. positions it for sustained growth and leadership within the biotechnology sector.

Among the companies owned by Amgen Inc. are: Chemocentryx, Inc., located in South San Francisco, USA Amgen Inc., located in Washington, USA Chemocentryx, Inc., located in Thousand Oaks, USA.

Company Type

Amgen INC. is registered as

Corporation - Representation of companies operating in North America


44.10% of companies


55.69% of companies in USA

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Amgen Inc. has a CEO registered at the official local trade register in USA. Within Amgen Inc., there is an extensive network of over 25,200 contacts, including senior managers, CIOs, CFOs, and HR leaders, with high-quality, verified contact information.

Robert A Bradway
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