The Dow Chemical Company

Company Profile

The Dow Chemical Company is a leading producer of plastics, chemicals, and hydrocarbons, recognized as one of the largest material and chemical companies in the US and worldwide. The Dow Chemical Company is located at Street 46a89249, Midland, Michigan, USA. Operating in the Chemicals and Allied Products - Manufacturing industry with the SIC Code 2821, the company is registered as a corporation under the company number NID332313580.

Company name
Company Name

The Dow Chemical Company


2211 H H Dow Way , 486424815, Midland



Registration Number


Legal Type
Legal Type


Founding Year
Founding Year



Mfg plastic materials/resins

Company name
Company Name

The Dow Chemical Company


2211 H H Dow Way , 486424815, Midland



Registration Number


Legal Type
Legal Type


Founding Year
Founding Year



Mfg plastic materials/resins

The revenue of The Dow Chemical Company is $56.9 billion

The Dow Chemical Company: Revenue from 2017 to 2024

Revenue of The Dow Chemical Company: This data presents the revenue of The Dow Chemical Company from 2017 to 2023. In the fiscal year 2023/2024, The Dow Chemical Company recorded a revenue of 56.9 billion, showcasing its financial growth over recent years. As one of the largest producers in the plastics and chemicals sector, The Dow Chemical Company remains a key player in the global chemical industry. Headquartered in Midland, Michigan, USA, the company leverages hydrocarbon-based raw materials to produce a vast array of finished chemical products, contributing significantly to its robust financial performance. The company's consistent financial growth underscores its vital role in the plastics material and resin manufacturing industry.

Revenue per year in USD ($)
Revenue data comes from trade registers; if unavailable, we use statistical models to project revenue.

Top 5 companies in revenue in Plastics Materials, Synthetic Resins, and Nonvulcanizable Elastomers Worldwide

Company nameSales
The Dow Chemical Company
$56.9 billion
Dupont De Nemours, Inc.
$12.1 billion
Huntsman International LLC
$8.0 billion
Celanese Americas LLC
$7.5 billion
Dow Inc.
$56.9 billion

The number of employees of The Dow Chemical Company is 25000-49999

The Dow Chemical Company: Employees from 2017 - 2024

Employees at The Dow Chemical Company: The Dow Chemical Company now employs 56,000 people, reflecting the company’s significant presence.

Number of employees from 2017 to 2024

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The Industry of The Dow Chemical Company is Plastics Materials, Synthetic Resins, and Nonvulcanizable Elastomers

The Dow Chemical Company Industry Data:

Industry of The Dow Chemical Company: The Dow Chemical Company operates in the Plastics Material and Resin Manufacturing industry, identified by SIC Code 2821. This industry includes companies specializing in creating and manufacturing a wide range of plastic materials and resins. Businesses in this sector are involved in using hydrocarbon-based raw materials to produce numerous finished chemical products. These companies are vital in supplying essential materials for various applications, from everyday consumer goods to high-tech industrial applications, solidifying the industry's role in supporting innovation and development in multiple sectors worldwide.

Industry Statistics By Sic Code

The Dow Chemical Company is operating in Sic Code:

2821 - Plastics Materials, Synthetic Resins, and Nonvulcanizable Elastomers

Plastics Materials, Synthetic Resins, and Nonvulcanizable Elastomers (2821) - Representation of companies operating in North America and Usa


0.04% of companies worldwide


0.01% of companies in USA

There are 147089 companies operating in this industry worldwide.

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The Dow Chemical Company is owned by Dow Inc., which owns 555 companies Worldwide

Among the companies owned by Dow Inc. are: Union Carbide Corporation, located in Seadrift, USA Morton International, LLC, located in Newark, USA Union Carbide Corporation, located in Seadrift, USA.

Company Type

The Dow Chemical Company is registered as

Corporation - Representation of companies operating in North America


44.10% of companies


55.69% of companies in USA

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The Dow Chemical Company has a CEO registered at the official local trade register in USA. Within The Dow Chemical Company, there is an extensive network of over 37,800 contacts, including senior managers, CIOs, CFOs, and HR leaders, with high-quality, verified contact information.

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