This a DDMA accreditated, premium companies list which is continuously updated by various sources such as the local Chamber of Commerce, Companies House, Thomson Directory and Yell.
Companies House holds all Limited companies, specifically Company Name, Registered Number, Registered Office, Balance Sheet, and Profit & Loss information, Directors’ data, Shareholder records and Mortgage information. Each month hundreds of thousands of Companies House updates are processed by BoldData to be used by its credit and marketing databases. Many hundreds of system validations take place to ensure data accuracy. There is an ongoing Data Quality program where accuracy is reviewed and improvements made where required.
Thomson Directory holds all Directory data with trading address information, additional contact names, and information about the trade conducted at the location, as well as telephone number information. Updates are received each month and these relate to new, deleted or amended records. Thomson send approximately 275k monthly updates to BoldData for use in both the B2B Marketing and Credit areas of the business. Occasionally when a major change on their file takes place then a ‘full’ refresh of their data is received totaling just over 2 million records.
Yell: Yell Data currently provides access to more than 2 million UK business records for targeted direct mailing and telemarketing campaigns. The combination of Thomson and Yell data positions BoldData’s database as the most comprehensive business information database for B2B direct marketing in the UK. BoldData receives a monthly file from Yell which includes u to 200k records, containing similar data elements to that of the Thomson data.
Aside from the above three sources of data that feed BoldData UK Database, the following are also used:
- Credit and Risk Data: received from D&B
- CCJ Data: received from the Registry’s Trust who obtain it directly from the courts.
- National Canvasse/Editorial Electoral Roll: helps identification of Small- and Home Office records.
- Direct Marketing Association: Files from the preference services that are used to suppress non-marketable data.
- Mortgage Data: information on mortgages and charges lodged and receiverships appointed.
- Directors Service Address Information: obtained from Annual Returns from Companies House
At BoldData, we’re working around the clock to keep our data updates and verified at the highest levels in the data-industry. All our lists have been checked on an ongoing basis. Nevertheless keep in mind that in the world today, people are constantly changing jobs and/or positions, and companies may move and change their telephone numbers, names, websites, or email addresses. Therefore it is impossible to reach 100% accuracy. Keep in mind a small error rate with our custom lists.