Customer Succes Case

How Golden Pages built their local online directory with our data

Meet Golden Pages

Golden Pages is the largest business directory in Belgium. More than 4 million consumers do a search every month. This makes one of the most visited Belgian websites.


Golden Pages wanted to enter the French and Dutch market. But first they had to fuel their online directories with French and Dutch business data. Building this database themselves would take years to complete.

Our solution

Our database covers all 3.4 million Dutch companies and 11.4 million French companies. The extensive contact information is continually verified and updated for accuracy. We deliver this data to Golden Pages trough a custom data license. This means Golden Pages gets unlimited access to our first-class data and receives updates every quarter. This enabled Golden Pages to enter new territories within a much shorter timeframe.

Find new clients worldwide

Target your audience with extreme precision. Anywhere in the world.

High quality data is the foundation of your direct marketing strategy. Our verified, accurate and trusted database combines worldwide reach, with unbeatable local expertise. Whether you want to talk to managers of 5-star hotels in Europe or start-ups in Germany: we target your audience with extreme precision.

Make a bold move into new markets. We have the right data for all your direct marketing campaigns.

  • Direct mail

    341 million postal addresses
  • Email marketing

    48 million e-mail addresses
  • Telemarketing

    105 million phone numbers
  • Social media

    28 million contacts for Facebook or LinkedIn campaigns
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+31(0)20 705 2360