Northrop Grumman CORPORATION

Company Profile

Northrop Grumman Corporation is a leading global aerospace and defense technology company, known for its innovations in the fields of aeronautics, cyber, and space. Northrop Grumman Corporation is located at Street 7646966d, Falls Church, Virginia, USA. Operating in the aerospace and defense industry, the company is registered as a corporation under the company number 520888131.

Company name
Company Name

Northrop Grumman CORPORATION


2980 Fairview Park Dr , 220424511, Falls Church



Registration Number


Legal Type
Legal Type


Founding Year
Founding Year



Mfg search/navigation equipment

Company name
Company Name

Northrop Grumman CORPORATION


2980 Fairview Park Dr , 220424511, Falls Church



Registration Number


Legal Type
Legal Type


Founding Year
Founding Year



Mfg search/navigation equipment

The revenue of Northrop Grumman CORPORATION is $39.3 billion

Northrop Grumman CORPORATION: Revenue from 2017 to 2024

Revenue of Northrop Grumman Corporation: This data presents the revenue of Northrop Grumman Corporation from 2017 to 2023. In the fiscal year 2023/2024, Northrop Grumman recorded a revenue of 36.6 billion USD, showcasing its financial growth over recent years. Northrop Grumman, headquartered in Falls Church, Virginia, operates in the manufacturing industry, specifically in the production of search, detection, navigation, guidance, aeronautical, and nautical systems and instruments. As a major player in North America's aerospace and defense industry, the company employs around 95,000 individuals, emphasizing its significant presence and influence in the market.

Revenue per year in USD ($)
Revenue data comes from trade registers; if unavailable, we use statistical models to project revenue.

Top 5 companies in revenue in Search, Detection, Navigation, Guidance, Aeronautical, and Nautical Systems and Instruments Worldwide

Company nameSales
Aerojet Rocketdyne Holdings, Inc.
$2.2 billion
Moog Inc.
$3.3 billion
Atk Launch Systems LLC
$4.8 billion
L3harris Technologies, Inc.
$17.1 billion
Bae Systems Information and Electronic Systems Integration Inc.
$1.5 billion

The number of employees of Northrop Grumman CORPORATION is 100000+

Northrop Grumman CORPORATION: Employees from 2017 - 2024

Employees at Northrop Grumman Corporation: Northrop Grumman Corporation now employs 67,000 people, reflecting the company’s significant presence.

Number of employees from 2017 to 2024

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The Industry of Northrop Grumman CORPORATION is Search, Detection, Navigation, Guidance, Aeronautical, and Nautical Systems and Instruments

Northrop Grumman CORPORATION Industry Data:

Industry of Northrop Grumman Corporation: Northrop Grumman Corporation operates in the Search, Detection, Navigation, Guidance, Aeronautical, and Nautical Systems and Instruments industry, which falls under SIC Code 3812. This industry includes companies that focus on creating sophisticated equipment for search and detection, navigation systems, and guidance technologies. Businesses in this sector typically engage in manufacturing instruments that are crucial for both aeronautical and nautical applications, ensuring precision in navigation and control.

Industry Statistics By Sic Code

Northrop Grumman CORPORATION is operating in Sic Code:

3812 - Search, Detection, Navigation, Guidance, Aeronautical, and Nautical Systems and Instruments

Search, Detection, Navigation, Guidance, Aeronautical, and Nautical Systems and Instruments (3812) - Representation of companies operating in North America and Usa


0.00% of companies worldwide


0.01% of companies in USA

There are 13205 companies operating in this industry worldwide.

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Northrop Grumman CORPORATION owns 79 companies Worldwide

Number of companies owned by Northrop Grumman Corporation

Northrop Grumman Corporation established ownership in 1939 and is an integral part of an expansive corporate family, connecting it to over 863 companies worldwide. As a prominent registered entity, this extensive network amplifies its reach and influence across multiple sectors. With its headquarters located in Falls Church, Virginia, USA, Northrop Grumman's ownership structure emphasizes a dynamic impact on a global scale. The corporate family structure of Northrop Grumman Corporation reinforces its global presence and substantial influence, making it a key player in industries such as search, detection, navigation, guidance, aeronautical, and nautical systems. With 95,000 employees worldwide and significant annual sales, Northrop Grumman continues to lead and innovate in its sector.

Among the companies owned by Northrop Grumman Corporation are: Northrop Grumman Systems Corporation, located in Hudson, USA Northrop Grumman Systems Corporation, located in Hill Air Force Base, USA Northrop Grumman Systems Corporation, located in Oxnard, USA.

Company Type

Northrop Grumman CORPORATION is registered as

Corporation - Representation of companies operating in North America


44.11% of companies


55.69% of companies in USA

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Northrop Grumman Corporation has a CEO registered at the official local trade register in USA. Within Northrop Grumman Corporation, there is an extensive network of over 101,000 contacts, including senior managers, CIOs, CFOs, and HR leaders, with high-quality, verified contact information.

Kathy J Warden
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HR Manager
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