Ldm Gradnja Doo Beograd
Company Profile
LDM GRADNJA DOO BEOGRAD is located at MIHAJLA BANDURA 13A, Beograd (Zemun), Grad Beograd, SERBIA. Operating in the Trucking, Except Local industry, with SIC Code 4213, the company is registered as a corporation under the company number 324996603.
The revenue of Ldm Gradnja Doo Beograd is $83.0 billion
Ldm Gradnja Doo Beograd: Revenue from 2017 to 2024
Revenue of LDM GRADNJA DOO BEOGRAD: This data presents the revenue of LDM GRADNJA DOO BEOGRAD from 2017 to 2023. In the fiscal year 2023/2024, LDM GRADNJA DOO BEOGRAD recorded a revenue of 83 billion 5040 currency, showcasing its financial growth over recent years. The company, which began in 2009, has demonstrated consistent development since its inception.
Revenue per year in USD ($)
Top 5 companies in revenue in Trucking, Except Local Worldwide
Company name | Sales |
Estes Express Lines | $3.6 billion |
Old Dominion Freight Line Inc | $6.3 billion |
Dayton Freight Lines, Inc. | $6.6 billion |
Schneider National, Inc. | $5.5 billion |
Yellow Corporation | $5.2 billion |
The number of employees of Ldm Gradnja Doo Beograd is 1-4
Ldm Gradnja Doo Beograd: Employees from 2017 - 2024
LDM GRADNJA DOO BEOGRAD has grown its workforce in the Netherlands by 100% over the past five years, now employing between 2 to 3 people.
Number of employees from 2017 to 2024
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The Industry of Ldm Gradnja Doo Beograd is Trucking, Except Local
Ldm Gradnja Doo Beograd Industry Data:
Industry of LDM GRADNJA DOO BEOGRAD: LDM GRADNJA DOO BEOGRAD operates in the Trucking, Except Local industry, which falls under SIC Code 4213. This industry includes companies that focus on transporting goods over long distances, excluding local deliveries. These businesses are involved in the logistics and transportation services that ensure goods are moved efficiently across regions.
Industry Statistics By Sic Code
Ldm Gradnja Doo Beograd is operating in Sic Code:
Trucking, Except Local (4213) - Representation of companies operating in Europe and Serbia
0.45% of companies worldwide
3.08% of companies in SERBIA
There are 1557049 companies operating in this industry worldwide.
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Ldm Gradnja Doo Beograd is solely 0 companies Worldwide
LDM GRADNJA DOO BEOGRAD established ownership in 2009 and operates independently with no additional companies in its corporate family structure. Registered as a legal entity, this autonomy enables flexibility for swift decisions and unique strategies. Being independent allows LDM GRADNJA DOO BEOGRAD to adapt quickly to market changes and implement innovative approaches, ensuring a competitive edge in the industry. The company's ownership undefined structure supports its goal of maintaining agility and focus in its operations.
Company Type
Ldm Gradnja Doo Beograd is registered as
44.10% of companies
22.07% of companies in SERBIA
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Email and Call Top Ldm Gradnja Doo Beograd Contacts
LDM GRADNJA DOO BEOGRAD operates with a small team, with a CEO registered at the official local trade register in SERBIA. This compact team offers direct access to primary contacts and managers, including CIOs and HR managers, ensuring efficient communication with verified contact details.
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