Enshi Xirui Tea Specialty Cooperative
Company Profile
Enshi Xirui Tea Specialty Cooperative is located at Tongma Park, Zuojiaba Village, Longfeng Town, Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomou, Hubei, CHINA. Operating in the General crop farm industry, the company is registered as a corporation under the company number 422801NA000699X.
Enshi Xirui Tea Specialty Cooperative
Tongma Park, Zuojiaba Village, Longfeng Town , 445800, Enshi Tujia And Miao Autonomou
Not available
General crop farm
Enshi Xirui Tea Specialty Cooperative
Tongma Park, Zuojiaba Village, Longfeng Town , 445800, Enshi Tujia And Miao Autonomou
Not available
General crop farm
The revenue of Enshi Xirui Tea Specialty Cooperative is $1.6 billion
Enshi Xirui Tea Specialty Cooperative: Revenue from 2017 to 2024
Revenue of Enshi Xirui Tea Specialty Cooperative: This data presents the revenue of Enshi Xirui Tea Specialty Cooperative from 2021 to 2019. In the fiscal year 2019, Enshi Xirui Tea Specialty Cooperative recorded a revenue of $625,851,772.4, showcasing its financial growth over recent years.
Revenue per year in USD ($)
Top 5 companies in revenue in General Farms, Primarily Crop Worldwide
Company name | Sales |
Mountaire Farms of Delaware, Inc. | $1.2 billion |
Harris Farms, Inc. | $3.3 billion |
Middlefield Farm LLC | $801.0 million |
Ekosem-Agrar AG | $994.4 million |
AGROKOMPLEKS, AO | $1.3 billion |
The number of employees of Enshi Xirui Tea Specialty Cooperative is 200-499
Enshi Xirui Tea Specialty Cooperative: Employees from 2017 - 2024
Employees at Enshi Xirui Tea Specialty Cooperative: Enshi Xirui Tea Specialty Cooperative now employs 6 people, reflecting the company’s significant presence.
Number of employees from 2017 to 2024
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The Industry of Enshi Xirui Tea Specialty Cooperative is General Farms, Primarily Crop
Enshi Xirui Tea Specialty Cooperative Industry Data:
Industry of Enshi Xirui Tea Specialty Cooperative: Enshi Xirui Tea Specialty Cooperative operates in the General crop farm industry, which falls under SIC Code 0191
Industry Statistics By Sic Code
Enshi Xirui Tea Specialty Cooperative is operating in Sic Code:
General Farms, Primarily Crop (0191) - Representation of companies operating in Australia/Asia and China
0.63% of companies worldwide
0.54% of companies in CHINA
There are 2216986 companies operating in this industry worldwide.
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Enshi Xirui Tea Specialty Cooperative is solely 0 companies Worldwide
Ownership Enshi Xirui Tea Specialty Cooperative. Enshi Xirui Tea Specialty Cooperative established ownership in 2015 and operates independently with no additional companies in its corporate family structure. Registered as a business entity, this autonomy enables flexibility for swift decisions and unique strategies.
Company Type
Enshi Xirui Tea Specialty Cooperative is registered as
17.66% of companies
10.87% of companies in CHINA
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Email and Call Top Enshi Xirui Tea Specialty Cooperative Contacts
Enshi Xirui Tea Specialty Cooperative has a CEO registered at the official local trade register in CHINA. With access to 200 contacts and decision makers, including CIOs, CFOs, and HR managers, Enshi Xirui Tea Specialty Cooperative offers verified email addresses and phone numbers for key contacts.
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