The Walt Disney Company

Company Profile

The Walt Disney Company is a leading name in entertainment, known for its iconic animated films, amusement parks, and television programs. Based in Burbank, California, USA, the company started in 1923 and has become a household name worldwide. The Walt Disney Company is located at 500 S Buena Vista St, Burbank, California, USA. Operating in the Amusement and Recreation Services industry, the company is registered as a corporation under the company number 117023169.

Company name
Company Name

The Walt Disney Company


500 S Buena Vista St , 915210007, Burbank



Registration Number


Legal Type
Legal Type


Founding Year
Founding Year



Amusement park

Company name
Company Name

The Walt Disney Company


500 S Buena Vista St , 915210007, Burbank



Registration Number


Legal Type
Legal Type


Founding Year
Founding Year



Amusement park

The revenue of The Walt Disney Company is $88.9 billion

The Walt Disney Company: Revenue from 2017 to 2024

Revenue of The Walt Disney Company: This data presents the revenue of The Walt Disney Company from 2017 to 2023. In the fiscal year 2023/2024, Disney recorded a revenue of 88.898 billion USD, showcasing its financial growth over recent years. As a leading entity in the entertainment and media industry, The Walt Disney Company continues to thrive with its robust portfolio, including the production and acquisition of television programs, live-action films, animated motion pictures, and the operation of theme parks and resorts. The revenue figures reflect Disney's successful strategy in the amusement park sector, emphasizing innovation and quality in entertainment experiences globally.

Revenue per year in USD ($)
Revenue data comes from trade registers; if unavailable, we use statistical models to project revenue.

Top 5 companies in revenue in Amusement Parks Worldwide

Company nameSales
Cedar Fair, L.P.
$1.8 billion
Seaworld Entertainment, Inc.
$1.7 billion
Walt Disney Parks and Resorts U.S., Inc.
$2.1 billion
Six Flags Entertainment Corp
$1.4 billion
Accel Entertainment, Inc.
$969.8 million

The number of employees of The Walt Disney Company is 100000+

The Walt Disney Company: Employees from 2017 - 2024

Employees at The Walt Disney Company: The Walt Disney Company now employs 201,000 people, reflecting the company’s significant presence.

Number of employees from 2017 to 2024

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The Industry of The Walt Disney Company is Amusement Parks

The Walt Disney Company Industry Data:

Industry of The Walt Disney Company: The Walt Disney Company operates in the Amusement and Theme Parks industry, which falls under SIC Code 7996. This industry includes companies that focus on creating and managing theme parks and amusement centers. These businesses typically offer a variety of attractions, such as rides, games, and entertainment shows, designed to provide recreational experiences for visitors of all ages. Disney, with its iconic theme parks, epitomizes this industry by building immersive environments and experiences that entertain millions globally.

Industry Statistics By Sic Code

The Walt Disney Company is operating in Sic Code:

7996 - Amusement Parks

Amusement Parks (7996) - Representation of companies operating in North America and Usa


0.02% of companies worldwide


0.01% of companies in USA

There are 64740 companies operating in this industry worldwide.

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The Walt Disney Company owns 110 companies Worldwide

Number of companies owned by The Walt Disney Company

The Walt Disney Company established ownership in 1923 and is an integral part of an expansive corporate family, connecting it to over 1253 companies worldwide. As a publicly registered entity, this extensive network amplifies the reach and influence of the Walt Disney Company across diverse sectors, reinforcing its global presence and dynamic impact. Known for its iconic entertainment and media ventures, The Walt Disney Company's ownership structure supports its operability in amusement parks, television networks, and film production. With its headquarters in Burbank, California, and a vast network of subsidiaries spanning the globe, the ownership of The Walt Disney Company encapsulates a powerhouse of cultural and media influence, maintaining a significant impact on the global entertainment industry.

Among the companies owned by The Walt Disney Company are: Disney Destinations, LLC, located in Lake Buena Vista, USA ABC Cable Networks Group, located in Los Angeles, USA American Broadcasting Companies Inc., located in Shuqualak, USA.

Company Type

The Walt Disney Company is registered as

Corporation - Representation of companies operating in North America


44.10% of companies


55.69% of companies in USA

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The Walt Disney Company has a CEO registered at the official local trade register in USA. Within The Walt Disney Company, there is an extensive network of over 225,000 contacts, including senior managers, CIOs, CFOs, and HR leaders, with high-quality, verified contact information.

Robert A Iger
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