Apple INC.
Company Profile
Apple Inc. is renowned for designing and manufacturing innovative mobile communication and media devices, including iPhones and iPads, as well as personal computers, like the MacBook. Apple Inc. is located at 1 Apple Park Way, Cupertino, California, USA. Operating in the Radio and Television Broadcasting and Wireless Communications Equipment Manufacturing industry, the company is registered as a corporation under the company number NID166709953.
Apple INC.
1 Apple Park Way , 950140642, Cupertino
Mfg radio/tv communication equipment
Apple INC.
1 Apple Park Way , 950140642, Cupertino
Mfg radio/tv communication equipment
The revenue of Apple INC. is $383.3 billion
Apple INC.: Revenue from 2017 to 2024
Revenue of Apple Inc.: This data presents the revenue of Apple Inc. from 2017 to 2023. In the fiscal year 2023/2024, Apple Inc. recorded a revenue of $383.285 billion, showcasing its financial growth over recent years. Apple Inc., based in Cupertino, California, operates in the Radio and Television Broadcasting and Wireless Communications Equipment Manufacturing industry. Since its inception in 1977, Apple has been at the forefront of innovation in mobile communication, media devices, and personal computing. With a total workforce of 161,000 employees globally, Apple continues to expand its influence across the technology sector.
Revenue per year in USD ($)
Top 5 companies in revenue in Radio and Television Broadcasting and Communications Equipment Worldwide
Company name | Sales |
Genesis Hc LLC | $725.9 billion |
SITT AL KOL RESTAURANT | $751.0 billion |
MINISTRY OF FINANCE | $954.9 billion |
The number of employees of Apple INC. is 100000+
Apple INC.: Employees from 2017 - 2024
Employees at Apple Inc.: Apple Inc. now employs 123,000 people, reflecting the company’s significant presence.
Number of employees from 2017 to 2024
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The Industry of Apple INC. is Radio and Television Broadcasting and Communications Equipment
Apple INC. Industry Data:
Industry of Apple Inc.: Apple Inc. operates in the Radio and Television Broadcasting and Wireless Communications Equipment Manufacturing industry, identified by the SIC Code 3663. This industry includes companies that specialize in creating equipment for communication devices, such as mobile communication gadgets and broadcasting tools. These businesses focus on developing innovative solutions to facilitate effective media broadcasting and enhance wireless communication capabilities worldwide. Apple Inc. designs, manufactures, and markets cutting-edge mobile devices, personal computers, and various multimedia gadgets, alongside offering related software and services to elevate the communication experience globally.
Industry Statistics By Sic Code
Apple INC. is operating in Sic Code:
Radio and Television Broadcasting and Communications Equipment (3663) - Representation of companies operating in North America and Usa
0.03% of companies worldwide
0.01% of companies in USA
There are 99690 companies operating in this industry worldwide.
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Apple INC. owns 79 companies Worldwide
Number of companies owned by Apple Inc.
Apple Inc., established ownership in 1977, is an integral part of an expansive corporate family, connecting it to over 810 companies worldwide. As a publicly registered company headquartered in Cupertino, California, Apple Inc. strengthens its vast network, which enhances its reach and influence across multiple sectors. This extensive corporate family structure reinforces Apple's global presence and dynamic impact in the industry. Known for its innovative technological products and services, including mobile communication devices and personal computing solutions, Apple Inc.'s ownership embodies a rich legacy of synergy within its corporate family, driving its continual expansion and leadership in the global market.
Among the companies owned by Apple Inc. are: Apple Inc., located in Boulder, USA Apple Inc., located in San Francisco, USA Apple Inc., located in Southlake, USA.
Company Type
Apple INC. is registered as
44.10% of companies
55.69% of companies in USA
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Apple Inc. has a CEO registered at the official local trade register in USA. Within Apple Inc., there is an extensive network of over 161,000 contacts, including senior managers, CIOs, CFOs, and HR leaders, with high-quality, verified contact information.
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