Doctors directory

Close more business faster with a custom build doctors directory

BoldData’s offers you targeted directory of doctors, physicians, surgeons, chiropractors and other medical professionals compiled in a directory data format. If you are wondering why it is important to have a directory of medical professionals, it’s because information is important to every type of business You may need to offer them your services or promote a new product. Whatever the reason may be, it’s certainly good to have their contact details in your possession. Start your campaign with 100% covering and highly accurate Doctors directory with millions of Doctors businesses worldwide. Delivered in bulk or custom made to your needs in a Excel sheet within 24 hours.

Scale boldly into new markets with our doctors directory

Health-related businesses are among the most successful types of companies worldwide. In fact, if you take a look at the value of stocks of big companies, you will see that pharmaceutical companies have the highest price. The reason is more than obvious – people want to live long and healthy lives, which is why they’re ready to give away a fortune. That is why doctors are a highly interesting target group for your campaigns. Our Doctors directory is typically sold by country in bulk for very competitive prices, but we’ve introduced custom directories to bring even more value and give you a wider choice. Our Doctors directory is verified by automated processes and data experts on a continuous basis and comes directly from local sources that you can trust. Don’t hesitate and start scaling your business with compliant and affordable Doctors directories. Ask us for a quote via the contact form!

Doctors Directory Worldwide

General Medicine doctors directory188797
Dentists General Practitioners169789
Doctors Of Medicine100197
Internal Medicine66479
General Medicine In Field Of Homeopathy35698
Health Service - Sanitary35469
Medical Gynaecology, Obstetrics33579
Public Health doctors directory33496
Diabetology-Nutrition, Nutrition24589
Psychiatry doctors directory21579
Ophthalmology directory for doctors18467
Toxicomania And Alcohology18097
Paediatrics, Children's Diseases17894
Dermatology And Venereology16547
Midwives doctors directory16547
Allergology doctors directory15778
Reproduction And Medical Gynaecology15001
Neurology doctors directory12969
General Surgery directory for doctors12556
Sports Medicine And Biology10587
Urological Surgery10547
Radiology(Radiodiagnostics And Medical Imagery)9978
Reconstructional And Aesthetic Plastic Surgery9143
Orthopaedic Surgery And Traumatology8479
Anaesthesiology And Surgical Reanimation6023
General Medicine In Field Of Acupuncture5789
Child And Adolescent Psychiatry5716
Nuclear Medicine doctors directory4571
Cardiology And Cardio-Vascular Diseases3930
Phoniatrics And Speech Therapy3497
Maxillo-Facial Surgery3325
Pneumology doctors directory2780
Nephrology directory for doctors2489
Rheumatology doctors directory2197
Gastro-Enterology And Hepatology (Digestive System)1987
Children's Surgery1897
Manual Medicine - Osteopathy1800
Tropical Medicine, Infectious And Tropical Pathology1647
Endocrinology And Metabolism1589
Cancerology, Medical Oncology1588
Neurosurgery doctors directory1574
Blood Diseases (Haematology)1254
Clinical Biochemistry1014
Cardio-Vascular And Thoracic Surgery911
Maxillo-Facial Dento Orthopaedics874
Surgery To The Face And Neck755
Stomatology doctors directory600
Medical Genetics directory for doctors547
Vascular Surgery369
Geriatrics, Gerontology (Diseases In The Elderly)349
Occupational Medicine300
Haemobiology Transfusion, Transfusion Technology247
Microbiology And Parasitology240
Radiology (Appliances And Materials)140
Neuro-Psychiatry doctors directory124
Legal Medicine, Medical Expertise60
Clinical Analyses doctors directory60
Radiotherapy (Radiotherapy Option Oncology)50
Infectious And Tropical Pathology doctors directory15
  • Millions of Doctors businesses verified weekly
  • Custom made per country and delivered in CSV.
  • Complete Doctors directory dataset: company name, e-mail address, name of contact person, job title, postal address, phone number, activity, number of employees, turn over, founding, year and website
  • Our Doctors directories are delivered in bulk or in a custom file. Our minimum order amount is 1.000 addresses. The price is € 425,-.
  • Our customers rate us 9.2 out of 10

Frequently asked question about our Doctors directory

Buy Doctors Directory

Buy a Directory that’s both accurate and with better prices! Our continuously checked Directories are available from a minimum price of € 425,- . This equals approximately 1.000 up-to-date addresses. Buy more, get more discount! Check our prices here. Click on International B2B Data for the breakdown.

Want to know how you can buy directories from BoldData? No problem. You can get started with our banging directories in just three simple steps:

1. Tell us who you want to target

Our data experts take the time to understand your business, target group and campaign. Based on these insights we create a highly targeted business directory based on more than 5.000 criteria. From country and number of employees to job title and 4.000+ different subdirectories.

2. Receive a free count and quote

You receive a free quote and a detailed count of your directory within 24 hours. On request we can provide a free sample with a selection of 10 contacts. Based on your feedback we polish the business directory to perfection.

3. Delivery within 24 hours

Are you ready to purchase the directory? Simply confirm the proposal. And we’ll deliver your e-mail list within 24 hours (in Excel).

So just tell us who you want to target via the request form or talk to a data-expert by phone on 31(0)20 705 2360. We’ll send you a free quote, including the number or datasets, within one day.

A dataset contains the following information:

  • B2B Phone Doctors directory
  • Business Mobile phone Doctors directory
  • Activity / sector / Industry Doctors directory
  • Number of employees – buy Doctors directory
  • Turn over (yearly) in Doctors directory
  • Founding year – buy Doctors directory
  • Direct/personal e-mail address – Doctors directory
  • Name of contact – Doctors directory
  • Job title / function – buy Doctors directory
  • Website / url – buy Doctors directory

Need other information? Just tell one of our data-expert by phone on 31(0)20 705 2360. We’ll send you a free quote, including the number or datasets, within a few hours.

This is a DDMA accreditated, premium quality directory, which is continuously updated by various sources such as Commercial Register of the Chamber of Commerce, Municipal Population Distribution Facility, Central Insolvency, Online en Offline surveys, Registers for receiverships and bankruptcies, Central Statistics Office, Event attendees directories, Market Reports, News and press releases, Publishers, Branch Organizations, Internet and deep web (Big Data).

At BoldData, we’re devoted to making sure that you have the best result on your direct marketing campaigns. All our directories are monitored and checked on an ongoing basis. Nevertheless keep in mind that in the world today, people are constantly changing jobs and/or positions, and companies may move and change their telephone numbers, names, websites, or email addresses. Therefore it is impossible to reach 100% accuracy. Keep in mind a small error rate with our custom directories.

Yes all our directories are 100% GDPR proof. With great data comes great responsibility. Responsibility to use it wisely and with respect to privacy laws. Our organization is audited annually by the DDMA (Data Driven Marketing Association).

Since the entry of the GDPR in Europe there is a lot of change in terms of data editing and updating of data. In this matter all our data sources are GDPR compliant.

BoldData uses legitimate interest as the legal ground for our data processing, we always secure this by performing a balancing assessment, that verifies and balances our interest to process the data versus the individual’s right to privacy. In general terms, this is what the balancing assessment consist of:

  • A description of BoldData’s legitimate interest and an evaluation if the data processing is necessary and proportional for the purpose we have.
  • The impact on the individuals and if they reasonable expect what will happen to their data, as well as how sensitive data is, how much data is used and how it is processed;
  • Additional safeguards we have put in place which could limit the impact on the individuals, such a data minimization, privacy enhancing technologies; increased transparency, the right to opt-out, and data portability.

The record of the balancing assessment is saved, so that we can demonstrate the considerations we have made. When doing the balancing assessment, we require that all requirements for the individuals’ rights are fulfilled. We also undertake technical and organizational measures to secure the individuals data.

Want to know from A-Z how BoldData handels privacy and the legal grounds that we use? Please have a look at our complete privacy policy here. This Privacy Policy sets out the data processing practices of BoldData B.V. Please note that all data thus captured will be used and held in accordance with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 2018.

Last but not least it’s important to know that with the entry of the GDPR in 2018 nothing has changed about the legislation regarding direct marketing. This law might be different in each country.

Please contact us for tailor-made advice or more information about privacy laws via +31(0)20 705 2360 of We’re here to help!

Yes we do! We offer the most competitive and highly affordable directories in 100+ countries and 4.000 industries.  Our website displays just a small part of the data we can deliver. Want to know more about our worldwide directories? Talk to a data-expert via 31(0)20 705 2360 or send an e-mail to

The overview displays just a part of the possibilities. However, we offer you access to quality data of more than 4.000 different target groups in 100+ countries. It’s very likely that we can deliver a directory that targets the best prospects for your product or service. Contact us via +31(0)20 705 2360 or send an e-mail to to discover the possibilities. We are here to help.

Want to get started with our doctors directory?

Just tell us your ideal target. Based on your input our data-experts send you a free quote for your business Directory within 24 hours. Satisfied? Then we deliver the custom Directory in Excel. And you can start reaching our to decision-makers in your target market, so you can connect directly with the right people to close more deals.

You’ll be in good company

Request sample 10 free records
+31(0)20 705 2360